Psychosocial factors and symptoms of stress in workers
of a tire manufacturing company, Jalisco, Mexico
Factores psicosociales y síntomas de estrés en los
trabajadores de una empresa de fabricación de
neumáticos, Jalisco, México
El objetivo de este estudio fue abundar en el conocimiento de los estresores sociales y laborales que componen una de las princi-
pales causas de riesgos en el trabajo. Se realizó un censo en los 60 trabajadores de una compañía de fabricación de neumáticos. El
estudio realizado fue de carácter descriptivo, transversal y analítico. La presencia de factores psicosociales la manifestó el 49.1%
de los trabajadores operativos, la prevalencia de síntomas de estrés en un 36.4%. En los resultados de la relación entre los factores
psicosociales con los síntomas de estrés y estar enfermo, se observa las dos correspondencias signicativas más altas en “Exigencias
laborales” y “Papel laboral y desarrollo de la carrera” con estar enfermo, ambas con una p=0.007.
Palabras clave: Factores psicosociales, estrés, empresa fabricante de neumáticos.
The objective of this study was to increase the knowledge of social and labor stressors that make up one of the main causes of
occupational hazards. A census was conducted on the 60 workers of a tire manufacturing company. The study was descriptive,
transversal and analytical. The presence of psychosocial factors was expressed by 49.1% of operational workers, the prevalence of
stress symptoms in 36.4%. In the results of the relationship between psychosocial factors with the symptoms of stress and being sick,
the two highest signicant correspondences are observed in “Labor requirements” and “Job role and career development” with being
sick, both with a p = 0.007.
Keywords: Psychosocial factors, stress, tire manufacturing company.
Recibido: 02 de abril de 2019
Aceptado: 23 de septiembre de 2019
Carolina, Aranda-Beltrán
*; Lourdes, González-Galindo
Ricardo, Vázquez-García
Doctor en Ciencias; Profesor Investigador. Investigador SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores) nivel II; Centro universitario de
Ciencias de la Salud, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México; caranda2000@yahoo.com.mx; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1388-8849
Licenciado en Salud Publica; Jéfe de departamento grupo departamental, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México; lucinagalindoo@gmail.com
Egresado de la Universidad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
*Autor para correspondencia: caranda2000@yahoo.com.mx
Revista Ciencia UNEMI
Vol. 13, N° 32, Enero-Abril 2020, pp. 78 - 86
ISSN 1390-4272 Impreso
ISSN 2528-7737 Electrónico
Aranda et al. Psychosocial factors and symptoms of stress in workers of a tire manufacturing company.
At some point, within the work environment,
workers may suffer accidents or occupational
diseases as a result of prolonged and constant
exposure to risk factors such as psychosocial factors.
Work related stress has manifested itself as one
of the main consequences of this exposure, which
can affect the health and integrity of the worker.
The relationship between psychosocial factors and
work stress has already been described, however, a
vulnerable but little studied population, the workers
in charge of tire manufacturing.
As Oramas (2013) says, psychosocial factors
are analyzed because they are a variable related to
"psychic life and the conditions under which activity
takes place" and to work stress because it is a variable
that "expresses a quality, is subjective and is related
between the individual and his environment ".
From the proposed denitions for psychosocial
risk factors such as the International Labor
Organization (ILO) and the World Health
Organization (1986), denes psychosocial factors
as "the interactions between work, its environment,
satisfaction at work and the conditions of their
organization, on the one hand, and on the other,
the worker's abilities, their needs, their culture and
their personal situation outside of work, all of which,
through perceptions and experiences, can inuence
health and performance and job satisfaction (ILO-
WHO, 1984-1986). Diverse are the authors who in
their studies have proposed this denition for the
analysis of its variables.
Also the ILO (1986) assures that work-related
stress is "the relationship that the individual may
have to the demands, and work pressures that do
not adjust to their knowledge and abilities and
that test their ability to cope with the situation
", In a few words," the stress appears when this
pressure becomes excessive or difcult to control,
"authors such as Peiró and Rodríguez (2008) and
Castañeda, Colunga, Preciado, Aldrete and Aranda
accept (4). From this point of view and following the
World Health Organization (1984) a healthy work
environment "is not only where there is absence of
harmful circumstances, but abundance of factors
that promote health; is one in which health and
the promotion of health are a priority for workers
and are part of their work life ", so, the" dangerous
"causes as called by Leka and Stavroula (2004)
related to stress and that mostly come from the way
in which work is dened and the way it is managed,
are divided into: those related to the characteristics
of the job (job characteristics, volume and pace of
work, work schedules, participation and control ),
and those related to the labor context (professional
perspectives, status and salary, role in the entity,
interpersonal relationships, institutional culture,
relationship between work and family life).
Concepts similar to those proposed by the ILO-
WHO can be found in the literature, such as the
denition of the European Commission (2002) that
requires it as "a pattern of emotional, cognitive,
physiological and behavioral reactions to certain
adverse or harmful aspects of the content of work,
organization of work and the working environment.
It is a state characterized by high levels of excitement
and response and the frequent feeling of not being
able to face them ", and in which their causes or
risk factors are similar to those already mentioned
(European Commission, 2002).
Recently, in the 2016 World Day of Safety and
Health at Work, the ILO (2016) has indicated that
attention to psychosocial risk factors is a global
problem that affects all workers in both developed
and developing countries. In development, so the
approach is to encourage employees and employers
to generate commitments such as: improvement of
social relations at work, mutual support, prevention
of acts of harassment, harassment or mistreatment,
generation of skills, and improvement of working
conditions and productivity (Día Mundial de la
Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, 2016).
For this, the objective of the study was to make
known this relationship of variables between
psychosocial factors and symptoms of work stress
in the workers of a tire manufacturing company in
Jalisco, Mexico.
Type of study
A descriptive, transversal and analytical research
was designed, the work context being a company
dedicated to the manufacture and export of tires.
Virtually began its activities in 2005, is currently a
company with high global competitiveness as well as
its distribution, produces between 18 to 25 thousand
Volumen 13, Número 32, Enero-Abril 2020, pp. 78- 86
tires daily. It consists of raw material warehouse,
bambury (mixed pigments), eseelastic (cutter), high
pad, tabulators and calenders, assembly, presses,
nal nishing and nished product warehouse. The
people who work in the cooperative are 1600, the 3
shifts are worked, the days are 8 hours from Monday
to Friday and shifts are rotated every 3 weeks.
Study population
The study population included for the analysis were
the workers of only two of the areas of the company:
nal nishing and vulcanization, corresponding to
60 subjects (census) that participated voluntarily
and under informed and signed consent, eliminating
the workers who for some reason he had to leave the
study, or the surveys were not answered in full.
Despite being a company dedicated to the
manufacture of tires and that would normally be
expected to see only men working, it is observed that
women do, so that of the 60 subjects who participated
in the study, a higher percentage was observed for
the men 83.6% against 16% women, the minimum
age was 17 years with a maximum of 58, the most
frequent marital status was that of married 50.9%,
followed by singles 38.2%, the rest were free union,
separated or divorced.
The highest seniority in the position varied from
4 years to one year, six months, with 9.1% at three
years, 3.6% at two years and 1.8% at one and a half
years. The seniority of the company was observed
differently, it ranged from 10 to 7 years, with the
highest percentages being 10 years (9.1%) followed
by those of 9 years (5.5%) and those of seven years
with a 3.6%.
Evaluation instruments
In the study, three questionnaires were applied:
the rst included socio-demographic and labor
variables; the second was the symptomatic stress
scale of Seppo Aro-ESE (9,10) and, as a third
instrument, the adapted scale of psychosocial factors
of Silva Gutiérrez (2006).
The scale of symptoms of Stress, Seppo Aro
(ESE) (1980) contains 18 items associated with
stress states, psychosomatic, emotional, or conative.
Examples of these symptoms are: "palpitations or
irregular heartbeats", "irritability", "anger", "fatigue
or weakness". The answers are expressed in an
ordinal scale of four frequencies, which are evaluated
from 0 to 3, for which the possible annotations
uctuate between 0 and 54, so that a scale with scores
of 0-8 is considered as "normal stress" ", From 8 to
10 as" tendency to stress "and scores greater than
10 is considered as" pathological stress "( Roman,
J., 2003). This instrument was validated by nding
reliable validity data with a Cronbach's alpha of
0.88 (Colunga, C., Enríquez, C., González, M., &
Domínguez, R., 2008).
The instrument or scale of Psychosocial Factors
in the Work of Silva (2006) consists of a list of agents
grouped in 7 areas: a) conditions of the workplace; b)
workload; c) content and characteristics of the task;
d) work demands; e) role of the academic and career
development; f) social interaction and organizational
aspects; and g) performance compensation. The
instrument uses a 5-degree Likert-type frequency
scale that goes from 0 (never) to 4 (always), the
scores of each section are added and three categories
are determined: low, medium and high which are
categorized by each one of the subscales and globally.
This instrument has also been validated by Colunga
et al (2008) with Cronbach's alpha values of 0.83.
Statistic analysis:
Frequencies, percentages, averages and
prevalences were obtained, as well as relationship
values with a signicant value of p equal to or less
than 0.05.
Ethical aspects:
The present study is considered risk-free
category one (Norma Ocial Mexicana, 2016). The
participation of the respondents was voluntary
signing with informed consent
Considerable is the prevalence of stress symptoms
(36.4%) that this working population presents (gure
1). According to Seppo Aro symptomatic stress
scale, the prevalences for symptoms with higher
percentages range from acidity or burning in the
stomach, headaches, nervousness or anxiety, fatigue
or weakness, irritability or anger, loss of appetite,
diarrhea or frequent urination, lack of energy or
depression and trembling or sweating in the hands.
Aranda et al. Psychosocial factors and symptoms of stress in workers of a tire manufacturing company.
The presence of psychosocial factors was shown
by 49.1% of the operative workers. According to the
instrument of psychosocial factors of Silva (2006)
(gure 2), the highest prevalence was for the area of
"workload" which assesses whether the worker has an
excess of activities to carry out during his daily work,
if the labor demands you receive do not correspond
to your level of knowledge, if the days are longer
than 9 hours of work, if they work on weekends and
during vacations in your company's activities and
if they have few tasks to perform during your daily
work day .
This information is supported by the "content and
characteristics of the task" area, referring to whether
their work is repetitive, routine or boring, if they face
problems with their peers, that work does not allow
them to develop new skills and knowledge, if they
participate in projects that are not of your interest,
if they make constant changes in activities or if you
carry out activities that are not your specialty, as well
as if they exercise coordination and supervision of
With the same importance of prevalence appears
Figure 1. Percentages of stress symptoms according to the symptomatic scale of stress of seppo ARO
Source: self made.
the area of "work demands" with variables as if their
work is characterized as a complex task, requires a
high degree of concentration, to remain for many
hours in uncomfortable positions (standing or
sitting), makes use of constant verbalization, requires
prolonged visual effort, requires creativity and
initiative, has demands to enter stimulus programs
or productivity bonuses.
The "conditions of the workplace" and "work role
and career development" are two areas that are also
affected, it should be noted that they are evaluated
from the presence of: noise, lighting, temperature,
hygiene, dust, gases , solvents or vapors, microbes,
fungi, insects or rodents, overcrowding, necessary
equipment, activities not in accordance, difculty in
the use of new computer programs, incompatibility
between their professional training and the demands,
status of their corresponding position, limitations in
the opportunities for promotion, lack of support in
terms of training and / or training.
The alarming results of both the stress scale
and the psychosocial factors allowed us to continue
analyzing this problem.
Volumen 13, Número 32, Enero-Abril 2020, pp. 78- 86
Figure 2. Prevalences of the psychosocial factors in the work according to the scale of silva (adapted, 2004)
Source: self made
Figure 3. Significant variable singles between psychosocial factors, stress symptoms and sickness
Source: self made. Note: --- non-significant values
In the relationship results, it is observed with
some tranquility that there is only signicant
correspondence with some of the dimensions of the
instrument such as: "workplace conditions" with
the symptoms of stress and with the variable sex,
As the literature has shown, the probable
statistical relationships between psychosocial factors
and stress symptoms are expected, this is mainly due
to the high labor demands and inadequate working
the dimension "workload" "With the symptoms of
stress, the" work demands "with the seniority in the
institution and having some discomfort or illness in
the last six months, as well as the" work role "also
with the fact of being sick and the" total or of the scale
of psychosocial factors "with seniority (gure 3).
conditions to which the worker has and should be
exposed when performing your work activities
Just as Gómez et al (2000) report that the
vulnerable population to suffer the consequences
of exposure to psychosocial agents are female
Aranda et al. Psychosocial factors and symptoms of stress in workers of a tire manufacturing company.
executives, nurses, secretaries and workers.
Benavides and cols (2002) refer to workers in the
construction, automobile, electrical, electronics and
multinational industries as a sensitive population, or
as Ansoleaga y Toro (2010) sees it, in which he nds
the vulnerable workers a mining company.
The large number of studies carried out by
teachers and health professionals is striking,
however, we agree with Moncada et al (2008) in
which he states that any salaried population may be
at risk and be sensitive to suffer its consequences.
However, the prevalence gures for the
psychosocial risks reported are reected in different
ways according to the activity in question and
the psychosocial risk that the worker perceives as
negative for him. Comparing the percentage (50%) of
the prevalence of psychosocial factors in the present
study, we can observe that this is high compared to
the 30% referred by the European Foundation (1996)
with the presence of factors such as when the worker
is exposed to work night, repetitive tasks, monotony,
working under constant pressure, excessive workload
and forced postures were the most frequent risks.
Similar data is expressed by the ILO (2001) where
it can be seen that since the 1980s workers were
orienting their work to be mentally very fatigued, to
having no opportunity to rest or to learn new things,
to the rhythms of work and the workloads were very
high, because they had no possibility of promotion,
because the relationship between their studies with
the job was not adequate.
On the other hand, Mireles, Pando and Aranda
(2003) using the scale of identication of psychosocial
factors of Legaspi, Martínez and Morales (1986) scale
similar to that of Silva, nd that, the areas of the work
system and social interaction were the most affected
(46% and 43%).
More recent research reports that the psychosocial
risks range from those who report being in third
place of importance approaching up to 80% of its
prevalence (Hernández, J.R, 2006) as those who
appreciate 37% (Enriquez et.al., 2010) or those who
report low capacity to make decisions and to deploy
their skills at work 48%, high psychological demands
47%, under social support of peers and superiors
41% and 67% imbalance between the efforts they
invest in work and the rewards they receive in return
(Ansoleaga, E., 2015).
The little signicant relationship seen in this
work can be compared with the study by Gómez,
Hernández and Méndez (2014), especially in regard
to the dimensions of "workplace conditions" and
"workload" since it is mentions, initially, that the
active work dimension and development possibilities
are in a high range of exposure, that the training they
require to perform the occupation are not adequate,
that there are high psychological demands and under
task control, that they feel that their work is not a
source of opportunities to develop their skills and
knowledge, that they feel unhappy with the physical
environment and space in the workplace, cleanliness,
hygiene and sanitation, temperature, ventilation
and lighting ; and that the results of association
reveal that there is a signicant and negative
relationship between risk factors, job satisfaction
and psychological demands.
The literature shows, in some cases, that there
is signicance between psychosocial factors and
mental health indicators, explaining that "the
more perception of work stress greater perception
of depression, anxiety, social dysfunction and
psychosomatic symptoms", but that this signicant
relationship it does not occur in all cases in terms
of indicators of working conditions refers to health
aspects (Gómez-Ortiz & Moreno, 2009), which can
not be compared with the results of this study since
here there was a signicant relationship between
being sick and dimensions of "work demands" and
"work role and career development". But, signicant
correlations between dissatisfaction with the work
role, work stress, negative relationships and little
social support with colleagues and superiors, negative
change in work pressure and workloads, with health
measures, are demonstrated by Matud, García and
Matud (2002).
As already stated, the presence of psychosocial
factors perceived as inadequate by the worker and for
him, constitute a risk of his own, and can even become
serious problems for his health. The manifestation
most known for exposure to psychosocial risks is
stress or, rather, distress (Aranda et.al., 2005),
that is, "the mechanism by which these risk factors
are associated with the emergence of diseases"
(Ansoleaga, Vezina, & Montano, 2014).
According to the Ofcial Gazette of the Federation
in its Draft Ofcial Mexican Standard 035 of the
Volumen 13, Número 32, Enero-Abril 2020, pp. 78- 86
Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare Federal Labor
Law (Norma Ocial Mexicana, 2016) the problem
of psychosocial risk factors in the workplace is
addressed (project oriented to the prevention) and
indicates, among other things, that they are aspects
to be considered within the psychosocial risk factors,
those that derive from the nature of the functions
of the job: the dangerous conditions inherent in it;
when performed under unsafe conditions; which
carries high responsibility, or requires intense
concentration and attention for long periods. This
project provides for the identication of psychosocial
risk factors and the evaluation of the organizational
environment. For this purpose, it has implemented
two identication-oriented tools that allow us to
dene actions to prevent the effects and consequences
of psychosocial risk factors, in order to determine the
strategies to be followed. It is suggested, in addition
to the researcher's own evaluations, to follow the
indications that the rules govern.
In this study, a prevalence of stress symptoms
was found in 36.4%. The presence of psychosocial
factors was shown by 49.1% of the operative workers.
According to the instrument of psychosocial factors
of Silva, the highest prevalence was for the area of
"workload" is seconded the area of "content and
characteristics of the task" referring to whether
his work is repetitive, routine or boring, that if he
faces problems with his peers, that work does not
allow him to develop new skills and knowledge.
The "conditions of the workplace" and "work role
and career development" are two areas that are also
In the relationship results, it is observed that
there is only signicant correspondence with some of
the dimensions of the instrument such as: "workplace
conditions" with the symptoms of stress and with
the sex variable, the "workload" dimension with the
symptoms of stress, "work demands" with seniority
in the institution and having some discomfort or
illness in the last six months, as well as the "work
role" also with the fact of being sick and the "total
or global scale of psychosocial factors "with seniority.
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