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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published is not under consideration by any other journal (or has provided an explanation in the comments to the editor).
  • The submission file is in format Microsoft Word.
  • They have been added to the references web addresses where it has been possible.
  • The text is single-spaced; 12-point font size; Italics is used instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Guidelines of the author, which appear in About the Journal.
  • If sent to a session peer-reviewed journal, should follow the instructions in Ensuring an anonymous evaluation have been followed.

Author Guidelines

The UNEMI Science Magazine is a scientific journal indexed and refereed, biannual publication. Directed to the university population, which mainly publishes original original scientific research papers, essays and communications preferably in the priority areas of the magazine. Its goal is to promote scientific and technological achievements of the UNEMI, as well as those made at other universities and research centers in the country and abroad, in areas related to Industrial; Technology, Information and Communication; Administration and Management; Public Health and Education and Culture


All contributions should be sent in electronic format. The drafting of the manuscript should be conducted in Spanish. This should be written in third person and present tense. It must be written using the word processor Microsoft Office Word® typed in a single column, single-spaced, with a subsequent paragraph spacing of 6 points, on A4 paper (21.0 x 29.7 cm), type Times New Roman font, size 12, justified, without indentation and margins of 2.5 cm on all sides: lower, upper, left and right.

Contributions must have a minimum length of 4 pages and 16 maximum. Trials should be at least 30 references. The illustrations, charts, drawings and photographs will be called Figures and will be presented in jpg formats. Figures should be original, developed by the authors. Scanned figures are not accepted. Photographs should be high resolution, sharp, contrasty, no areas too dark or extremely bright. Tables and figures should be listed (each) consecutively in Arabic numerals, in Times New Roman, size 10. These should be included as close as possible to their reference in the text, with its respective title at the top if is a table or if it is a lower figure. In the event that the information is taken from another author, place the source. All equations and formulas must be generated by editors updated equations and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals placed in brackets on the right side. Mathematical symbols should be clear and legible. Units must be placed in the Metric System and International Measurement System. If abbreviations are used little known, their meaning will indicate the first time mentioned in the text and in the other references simply the acronym or abbreviation.


Each contribution must be ordered in the following parts: title in Spanish, data of the authors, abstract and key words in Castilian; title, abstract and keywords in English; introduction, methodology or procedure, results, conclusions, bibliographical references and acknowledgments.

1. Title in Spanish. It should be short, precise and codifiable, without abbreviations, parentheses, formulas or unfamiliar characters. It should contain the least amount of words (maximum 15 words) that express the content of the manuscript and may be registered in international indexes.
2. Data from the authors. You must state the first name and surname. It is recommended for proper indexing of the article in international bases, the adoption of a name and one name for names rare, or the name and two surnames joined by a hyphen for the most common (eg. Maria Perez -Acosta). In another file you must indicate the complete information for each author: name, academic title, workplace, position held and full address, including phone number, fax and email essential.
3. Spanish Summary and Keywords. It must indicate the objective or purpose of the investigation and a summary of the methodology or procedure, results and conclusions relevant. Will have a maximum of 200 words in a single paragraph, single-spaced. It should not contain references, tables, figures or equations. At the end of the summary include 3 to 10 keywords or meaningful descriptors for the purpose of inclusion in international indexes.
4. Title, Abstract and Keywords in English (Abstract and Keywors). They are the English translation of the title, abstract and keywords presented in Spanish.
5. Introduction. It presents a description of the problem, the objective of this work, a synthesis of his theoretical foundation and methodology concisely. It should be mentioned in addition to the development content of the manuscript, without specifying the results and conclusions.
6. Development:

Materials and Methods (Methodology): The research design is described and explained how the work was done, the methods and materials developed are described and / or used.
7. Results: information and / or product relevant to the objectives of the study and findings is presented in a logical sequence.
8. Discussion of results: the arguments supporting the research results are presented. They examine and interpret the results and conclusions drawn from these results are taken with the respective arguments that support them. the results with theoretical references are compared, justifying the creation of knowledge as a result of work.

9. Conclusions. a summary, with no arguments, the results obtained are presented.
10. References. At the end of the work a so-called "References" list will be included; the veracity of these appointments will be the responsibility of the author of the article. any reference to private communications and documents of limited circulation, should be avoided not universally accessible. References should be cited in the text and numbered with Arabic numerals in brackets, in order of appearance (Citation Order System). At the end of work sources indicated, as described below, as in the case of:

to. Book: Below are several ways you can quote book describes.

Book author: Author last name, author name initials, (year), Title in italics, city and country, Editorial. For example:

Hacyan, S., (2004), Physics and metaphysics in space and time. Philosophy in the laboratory, Mexico City, Mexico: National Fund of economic culture.

Book editor: In the event that the book is multiple authors is convenient to quote the editor. Editor name, Initials editor name. (Ed.). (Year). Title. City, Country: Publisher. For example:

Wilber, K. (Ed.). (1997). The holographic paradigm. Barcelona, Spain: Editorial Kairos

Book electronically: The books in electronic form can come in two ways: With and Without DOI DOI. The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is the identification of digital material, unique for each book.

Books online without DOI: Last Name, Initials author name. (Year). Title. Recovered from http://www.xxxxxx.xxx

Jesus Dominguez, J. (1887). The administrative autonomy in Puerto Rico. Recovered from http://memory.loc.gov/

Books With DOI: Last Name, Initials author name. (Year). Title. doi: xx.xxxxxxxx

Montero, M. and Sonn, C. C. (Eds.). (2009). Psychology of Liberation: Theory and applications. doi: 10.1007 / 978-0-387-85784-8

Chapter in a book. Last, A. A., and last name, B. B. (Year): a chapter in a book when the book is with editor, ie, that the book contains chapters written by different authors reference. Chapter title or entry. A. A. Name. (Ed.), Book title (pp. Xx-xx). City, Country: Editorial

Molina, V. (2008). "... It is that students do not read or write": The challenge of reading and writing at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana of Cali. Mondragon H. (Ed.), Reading, understand, discuss, write. Writing scientific papers by university professors (pp. 53-62). Cali, Valle del Cauca: Stamp Editorial Javeriano.

b. Scientific articles: author's last name, author name initials, (Year), Title, Name of the journal in italics, volume, number, pages. For example:

Coruminas, M., Ronecro, C., Bruguca, E., and Casas, M. (2007). dopaminergic system and addictions, Rev Mukuel, 44 (1): 23-31.


Articles with DOI:

Bezuidenhout, A. (2006). Consciousness and Language (review). Language, 82 (4), 930-934. doi: 10.1353 / lan.2006.0184

Printed article without DOI:

Fields, D. (2007). Beyond neuron theory. Mind and Brain, 13 (24), 12-17.

Article no digital DOI:

Mota de Cabrera, C. (2006). The role of writing in the curriculum of teaching and learning English as a second language (ESL / EFL): A historical perspective. Pedagogical Action, 15 (1), 56-63. Recovered from http://www.saber.ula.ve/accionpe/


An author:

Tarlaci, S. (2010). A Historical View of the Relation Between Quantum Mechanics and the Brain: A Perspective Neuroquantologic. NeuroQuantology, 8 (2), 120-136.

Two to seven authors: all authors separated by commas are listed and the last is written "and".

Tuszynski, J., Sataric, M., Portet, S., and Dixon, J. (2005). Physical interpretation of micro tubule self-organization in gravitational fields. Physics Letters A, 340 (1-4), 175-180.

Eight or more authors: the first six authors are listed, ellipses are made and the last author list.

Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, JY, Coatsworth, D., Language, L., ... Griffin, W. A. (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs for children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 843-856.

c. Symposia, congresses or conferences: Author, A., & Author, A. (Date). Title of the paper. Event title. Event held in the name of the organization, location. For example:

Rojas, C., & Vera, N. (August 2013). ABMS (Automatic BLAST for Massive Sequencing). 2nd Colombian Congress of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics CCBCOL. Congress conducted in Manizales, Colombia.

d. Reports: to quote a report of any organization, government institution or corporate body should follow the following format: Name of the organization. (Year). Report title (publication number). Recovered from http://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/

National Administrative Department of Statistics. (2012). Information technology and communi cations-. Recovered from: http://www.dane.gov.co

and. Grade work or Thesis: Author, A., & Author, A. (Year). Thesis (Thesis undergraduate, master's or doctoral). Name of institution, Place. For example:

Aponte, L, & Cardona, C. (2009). environmental education and evaluation of population density for the conservation of the condors reintroduced into the Los Nevados National Natural Park and its buffer zone (undergraduate thesis). University of Caldas, Manizales, Colombia.

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