Use of blends of legume flours and manioc starch to elaborate gluten-free sweet biscuits

Keywords: manioc, starch, chickpea, soybean, flour, gluten-free, biscuits


The base for this research work was set in the study of the interaction between legume flours and tuber starch blends to be used for sweet biscuits formulations and the successive evaluation of quality parameters. As main inputs the following were used: legume flours, manioc starch, margarine, sugar, eggs, and baking soda. Basic utensils: plastic and aluminum trays, biscuits shapers, cutters, other biscuit items. Analytical balance, mixer, and oven. Methods: Establishment of experimental units, analysis of manioc starch and legume flours, moisture analysis, ash content determination, rheological analysis of blends, gluten analysis in the blend of starch and legumes flours, dough formulation and biscuit making, textural a color analysis, sensory analysis of biscuits, statistical analysis. The results of moisture and ash analyzes in the inputs for blends were within the limits established of 14,5%. Ash content found was 2.3% in starch, 6.3% in soybean meal, and 2.9% in chickpea flour. Gluten content was around 10 mg/g in average in the 3 samples. Concerning rheological characterization, water absorption for the 3 blends was relatively low. Values resulted for the torque were within 1.1 Nm; time required to reach this value did not exceed two minutes of kneading stability.  The 3 blends denoted low amylasic activity, as well as low starch damage. Gel stability results were due to the high amylasic activity occurred in manioc starch. The retrogradation intensity predicted that the 3 blends would have a long shelf life since retrogradation processes were low for the 3 cases. Hardness presented in samples was due to protein supply provided by soybean meal. According to the sensory analysis average results for texture, flavor, and color attribute, differences were found. The ANOVA for sensory evaluation in biscuits showed differences regarding texture, flavor, and color attributes in biscuits. The moisture values obtained for each biscuit sample were similar to each other and did not exceed 3%. Tuber starch and legume flour incorporation in formulation to produce gluten-free biscuits contributes to the development of a flavorsome product and provides an alternative for people with gluten intolerance. The results obtained may be used as the basis for the production of gluten-free biscuits.


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Author Biographies

Lisseth Aguirre-Torres, Universidad Técnica de Machala
Ingeniera en Alimentos, antigua miembro del grupo de investigación «Química y Alimentos». Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y de la Salud. Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador.
Edison Martínez-Mora, Universidad Técnica de Machala
Doctor en ciencias de los alimentos (Universidad de La Habana, Cuba). Docente titular principal de la carrera de ingeniería en alimentos. Coordinador del grupo de investigación «Química y Alimentos». Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y de la Salud. Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador.
Fabián Cuenca-Mayorga, Universidad Técnica de Machala
Master of Science in environmetal protection and agricultural food production (Universität Hohenheim, Alemania). Docente de la carrera de ingeniería en alimentos. Miembro del grupo de investigación «Química y Alimentos». Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y de la Salud. Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Aguirre-Torres, L., Martínez-Mora, E., & Cuenca-Mayorga, F. (2020). Use of blends of legume flours and manioc starch to elaborate gluten-free sweet biscuits. Science Magazine Unemi, 13(33), 59-72.
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