Green marketing and proenvironmental behavior in students of a private institute in Lima (Peru), 2019

Keywords: green marketing strategies, proenvironmental behavior, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient


The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between green marketing strategies and proenvironmental behavior in students at a private technological institute in Lima Metropolitan Area (Peru) during 2019. For a better evaluation, the variable green marketing strategies was subdivided into green product, green price, green place and green promotion; while the variable proenvironmental behavior was subdivided into resource management, waste management and green consumption. Methodologically, the research was carried out under the quantitative approach, had a correlational scope and used the non-experimental transectional correlational-causal design. The participants of the study were 192 students of the specialty of Technical Nursing. Two scales developed by other authors were used as data collection instruments (one for each variable), to be able to investigate the study variables; in addition, open source programs such as JASP version 0.11 and FACTOR version 10.9.02 were used for statistical analysis. With the data collected and analyzed, it was possible to conclude the existence of a strong and significant correlation between the green marketing strategies and the proenvironmental behavior (p < 0.05), because a Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient of 0.815 was found.


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How to Cite
Salas-Canales, H. (2020). Green marketing and proenvironmental behavior in students of a private institute in Lima (Peru), 2019. Science Magazine Unemi, 13(34), 94-104.
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