Between liberal and conservative ideas. An analysis of value positions in students and teachers of professoriate

Keywords: Social values, Teacher training, Liberalism, Conservatism, Educational policy, Axiology


The purpose of this research was to identify the axiological profiles of practicing and training teachers, based on two axiological models considered antagonistic (conservative and liberal), each one with a well-defined structure. Theoretical approaches are not presented pure in reality due to their profound complexity, however, this type of study allows us to glimpse what is the path that society considers opportune or viable to advance towards the future. A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional methodological design was used. The participants surveyed from the first source were third-year teacher students from the 5 most representative teacher training institutes in the Capital of Mendoza (Argentina) and their respective professors. The sample was intentional (n = 337) with a high percentage of women (91.1%). The results allowed identifying three factors: Autonomy, Equality and Tradition, from them it was possible to discriminate prevailing trends and profiles.


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How to Cite
Expósito, C., & Difabio, H. (2021). Between liberal and conservative ideas. An analysis of value positions in students and teachers of professoriate. Science Magazine Unemi, 14(36), 45-57.
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