Management guide for COVID19 patients in intensive therapy - Hospital Pablo Arturo Suárez

Keywords: COVID-19, ICU, treatment, SARS Cov-2, guidelines


On December 31, in Wuhan-China, it was reported that 27 people had been diagnosed with pneumonia of unknown cause, on January 7, 2020, Chinese scientists isolated the virus that causes the disease, a beta coronavirus that was called SARS- CoV-2. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declares COVID-19 a pandemic. In Ecuador, the first confirmed case of coronavirus was announced on February 29, and on March 13, the first death from COVID-19 was registered in the country. In Quito, the first public health hospital to receive infected patients was the Pablo Arturo Suárez Hospital. On April 1, 2020, the intensive care unit receives its first patient; For this, structural changes were made to have a center with level 3 biosecurity and a management protocol was drawn up; Therefore, it is relevant to say that in the face of a new and unknown entity, the application of knowledge in basic sciences and pathophysiology made us the only hospital that adopted the use of corticosteroids and total anticoagulation since the beginning of the pandemic, therapeutic measures in that uncertain and controversial momento.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Vélez-Páez, Universidad Central del Ecuador
Doctor en medicina-Hospital Pablo Arturo Suárez
Mario Montalvo-Villagómez, Hospital Pablo Arturo Suárez
Doctor en medicina
Fernando Jara-González, Hospital Pablo Arturo Suárez
Doctor en medicina
Santiag Aguayo-Moscoso, Hospital Pablo Arturo Suárez
Doctor en medicina
Wendy Tercero-Martínez, Hospital Pablo Arturo Suárez
Doctor en medicina
Lenin Saltos-Íñiguez, Hospital Pablo Arturo Suárez
Doctor en medicina
Patricio Vega-Luzuriaga, Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Salud Pública (INSPI)
Licenciado en comunicación social
Jesús Dawaher, Hospital Pablo Arturo Suárez
Doctor en medicina


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How to Cite
Vélez-Páez, J., Montalvo-Villagómez, M., Jara-González, F., Aguayo-Moscoso, S., Tercero-Martínez, W., Saltos-Íñiguez, L., Vega-Luzuriaga, P., & Dawaher, J. (2021). Management guide for COVID19 patients in intensive therapy - Hospital Pablo Arturo Suárez. Science Magazine Unemi, 14(35), 92-107.
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