Understanding the circular economy from the ecuadorian and latin american vision

Keywords: Circular Economy, Circular Bioeconomy, Latin America


This research aims to understand the Circular Economy (CE) under the context and vision of Ecuador, as well as other Latin American countries with their own economic and cultural structures, trying to enhance with their own characteristics, a long-term development process that could go hand and hand with a real application of CE principles. The lack of a clear link between the CE concept, a sustainable development, and the short group of the CE ideas with economic modeling that analyzes the behavior of consumers and firms. Making it even more important to reinforce and consolidate the understanding of the CE on sustainability topics and economic modeling that can be made from an Ecuadorian and Latin American point of view. The incorporation of the circular bioeconomy and behavioral economics principles can throw some light on the understanding of the CE in these countries and making the idea of sustainability a little bit more robust. The research methodology used in this paper is of a qualitative type using an exploratory descriptive design with a deductive approach.


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How to Cite
Chafla-Martínez, P., & Lascano-Vaca, M. (2021). Understanding the circular economy from the ecuadorian and latin american vision. Science Magazine Unemi, 14(36), 73-86. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2528-7737vol14iss36.2021pp73-86p
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