Catalyst applications and their evaluation through life cycle assessment

Keywords: MSW, Catalysts, Environmental assessment, LCA


Catalyst use will continue to increase in the coming years, as they are essential in the manufacture of commodities and petrochemicals and chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and foodstuffs, and also serves as a tool for improving the performance of new energy technologies. On the other hand, the synthesis of catalysts generates waste in laboratories and factories, presenting an environmental challenge due to its particular composition. In this context, life cycle analysis (LCA) can quantify environmental impacts and identify areas of vulnerability that should be addressed. As a result, this review evaluated three catalysts: Zn, Pd, and Pt, as well as their environmental impacts. Finally, some possible uses include reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing energy and urea production yields, as well as total gas and hydrogen yields; the use of base residues as catalysts was also considered, for example, in the petroleum industry and the ashes generated during municipal solid waste (MSW) combustion processes


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How to Cite
Chicaiza Ortiz, C. D., Salazar García, K. V., Diéguez Santana, K., Chicaiza Ortiz, Ángel F., Navarrete Villa, V. P., & Zhang, J. (2021). Catalyst applications and their evaluation through life cycle assessment. Science Magazine Unemi, 14(37), 60-72.
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