Hydrological Analysis of the Leakage Generated in the Sanitary Landfill of the Gonzalo Pizarro Canton, Ecuador

  • juan_pablo Morales_Corozo GAD GONZALO PIZARRO
Keywords: Solid waste, production per capita, amount of leachate


In Ecuador, the municipal decentralized autonomous governments have the competence of the integral management of solid waste from the collection, transport, treatment and final disposal of solid waste, within the development plans and territorial ordering, including projects aimed at the elimination of polluting sources. The main objective of the research was to develop a methodology for calculating leachates generated in the Gonzalo Pizarro canton sanitary landfill, through the evaluation of the water balance of the solid waste in the final disposal cells, and to characterize the leachates through the physical, biological and chemical analysis to establish treatment system design alternatives. There are several alternatives which can be categorized according to various characteristics either by the levels of treatment that are given in each of them or by the type of contamination they can treat, it must be taken into account that leachates have a load high pollutant one of them is pathogenic, by transformation of organic matter and toxic substances.


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How to Cite
Morales_Corozo, juan_pablo. (2022). Hydrological Analysis of the Leakage Generated in the Sanitary Landfill of the Gonzalo Pizarro Canton, Ecuador. Science Magazine Unemi, 15(38), 24-33. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2528-7737vol15iss38.22pp24-33p
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