Preliminary study of arbuscular mycorrhizae present in Phytelephas aequatorialis located in three coastal agroecosystems

Keywords: ecosystems, arecaceae, mycorrhizal, palm


The tagua, Phytelephas aequatorialis Spruce (Arecaceae) is a palm characterized by being dioecious and grows wild. In tropical regions such as Ecuador, its population has declined due to agricultural expansion and slow regeneration. At present, the flora surrounding it and the rhizosphere that could be associated with its adaptation to different ecological niches in the Ecuadorian coast are unknown. To evaluate the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) associated with tagua, in three agrosystems of the Ecuadorian coast. The research was carried out in three agroecosystems where P. aequatorialis grows without being the dominant plant. Samples were obtained around the tagua plant, first the floristic composition was determined by taking photos and identifying the plant species in the site within a 2 m radius. Then soil and root samples collected during the months of November 2018 to February 2019 were taken in rural localities of Milagro, Guayaquil and Jipijapa canton. Spore abundance was higher in the Guayaquil agroecosystem with 550 spores per 100 g of soil, followed by the Milagro agroecosystem with 221 spores per 100 g of soil. The Milagro agroecosystem reached 63 % in the percentage of mycorrhizal colonization compared to Guayaquil and Jipijapa, which obtained 51 and 48 % respectively. The results show the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizae with different intensity in the three agroecosystems of P. aequatorialis studied, however, the floristic composition and environmental conditions may influence the development of mycorrhizal colonization.


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How to Cite
Naranjo, J., Mora-González , A., Oviedo-Anchundia , R., Naranjo-Torres , H., Flores-Cedeño , J., & Barcos-Arias , M. (2022). Preliminary study of arbuscular mycorrhizae present in Phytelephas aequatorialis located in three coastal agroecosystems. Science Magazine Unemi, 15(39), 65-75.