LA Español

  • Cristina Puchachaqui Profesional
Keywords: Expiry, COGEP, Indeterminacy, Legal Certainty


In the case of the check, in the exercise of the profession many tricks have been seen in those who have drawn this instrument, as in the case that when signing the document they sign signatures that do not match the one signed on the identity card, this with In order for the check to be protested due to non-conformity of signature and cannot be cashed, this configures the charge that the information contained in the instrument is not true. Or it has been the case that the check is postdated so that it cannot be cashed, which configures the charge that its meaning varies from a means of payment to a credit instrument, all of this is presumed to be subsumed in an ideological falsity of document private, which can be verified with the jurisprudential development that is intended to be analyzed in this article. The objective of the work is configured in: Determine under objective jurisprudential parameters regarding the falsity in the check and the application in the Comprehensive Criminal Organic Code. The methodology is part of the theoretical-descriptive research of a documentary nature, because the practical dimension of the research carried out a process of scrutinizing, choosing, organizing, processing the information to analyze the falsity in the check and the application in the Comprehensive Criminal Organic Code. The results are oriented to clarify the panorama in the following topics: The difference between falsehood and falsification, the types of falsehood, the alteration of the truth and prejudice.


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How to Cite
Puchachaqui, C. (2022). LA Español. Science Magazine Unemi, 15(40), 104-109.