How are the excellent companies to work for in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Keywords: labor market, human capital, talent management, business training, work environment, ranking, corporate social responsibility


The most attractive companies to work for are of special interest because they represent important relevance in the labor market and society. The aim of this article is to analyze the best companies in the labor market in Spain that remain every year in the ranking published by the Revista de Actualidad Económica, during 2013-2020 period. The labor excellence of these companies is investigated taking in account the beginning of COVID-19 crisis, in addition to characterizing them with critical indicators like the gender of the management, European Union belonging, the location of its headquarters according to Autonomous Community, size, stock market price and whether they belong to the IBEX35. A quantitative analysis by means of descriptive and inference methods allows us to conclude that excellent companies led by women stand out in Work Environment and CSR. Organizations outside the European Union achieve higher values. On the other hand, location of its headquarters does not influence valuation. The size does result in a total positive assessment, but the same doesn’t apply if the company is listed on the stock market. Finally, it is observed that, faced with the challenge of COVID-19, these companies manage to maintain consistent labor excellence in environments where Talent, Compensation, Environment, Training and Total Valuation stand out. Therefore, valuable results are provided for the formulation of human resources policies.


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Author Biography

Francisco-Jesús Ferreiro-Seoane, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
D. Francisco Jesús Ferreiro Seoane es profesor de Economía Aplicada de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, doctor en Economía, Master en MBA por el Instituto de Empresa, Master en el IESE (Universidad de Navarra). Actualmente Director Consultoría, ha sido Directivo de empresa de multinacionales como Tafisa-Sonae; Grupo Industrial Losan. A nivel de administración pública ha sido Director de Área de Promoción Económica del ayuntamiento A Coruña; Jefe de coordinación de Desenvolvimento Local del IGAPE (Instituto Gallego de Promoción Económica) del del gobierno de Galicia (España). A nivel de investigación tiene dos sexenios de investigación otorgado por el Gobierno de España, tiene más de 60 artículos científicos, 15 libros, 10 capítulos de libros, 80 comunicaciones en congresos científicos, ponente de numerosas conferencias.  Director de tesis doctorales nacionales e internacionales y ha dirigido más de 50 Trabajos de Fin de Grado y Fin de Master.


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How to Cite
Ferreiro-Seoane, F.-J., Ríos-Blanco, A., & Jardón-Ferreiro, E. (2023). How are the excellent companies to work for in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic?. Science Magazine Unemi, 16(42), 102-115.