Scientific production and editorial management of Ciencia Unemi Journal

Keywords: Journal, Bibliometric, UNEMI, Ecuador


In this article, a characterization of the scientific production and editorial management of the journal Ciencia Unemi was carried out, where the universe of study is composed of its publications in Web of Science (WoS). The objective is to analyze the editorial management of the journal Ciencia Unemi in the period 2008 to 2022 using the bibliometric analysis of production, document typology, language capacity, authorship and collaboration, emphasizing the identification of the main research topics, their relationship and the components that integrate them. The study was descriptive in scope, longitudinal in trend (analyzing changes over time) and retrospective, using quantitative techniques and supported by the theoretical and methodological framework provided by the metric studies of information. To characterize the scientific production of the journal Ciencia Unemi, Web of Science (WoS) was used, since it offers indicators about the trends shown by countries, institutions, disciplines, journals and authors, in terms of production, collaboration and use of the work. It is concluded that the journal constitutes a reference of internationalization and visibility in Ecuadorian science, it is indexed in national and international databases, given the important presence of external production, whose performance drives the growing collaboration among researchers and the downloading of articles carried out predominantly outside national borders. However, this effort must be translated into citations to the journal, where there is a pending issue and several areas of opportunity and strengthening.


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How to Cite
Chaparro-Martinez, E., Hernández-Domínguez, C., & Carrasquero-Rodríguez, E. (2023). Scientific production and editorial management of Ciencia Unemi Journal. Science Magazine Unemi, 16(43), 35-47.