Keywords: Circular economy, barriers, metal bodies


The Circular Economy has different studies carried out, mostly theoretically, which leads to presenting several questions about the efficiency and applicability of the model in organizations. Additionally, elements related to the barriers presented by the transition towards circularity are observed. which have been identified theoretically, and in other investigations in a practical way, obviously the dimensions will vary according to the sectoral activities that are carried out, focusing the investigations on the manufacturing industries, the present work aims to identify the preliminary actions under a circular economy model in the body sector of the province of Tungurahua, the method used is a theoretical review, examining the barriers identified regarding implementation in developing countries, an interview is applied to a representative group of the body sector of the province of Tungurahua, subsequently an alignment of the barriers identified in the article analyzed is carried out, with codes presented according to the responses issued, as main results preliminary actions that the bodywork sector can initiate are identified, it is also evident that a factor The determining factor is the financial one, since there is a lack of support from public and private institutions to support projects aimed at environmental care. It is concluded that the bodywork sector has several paths to develop actions that are oriented towards sustainability, through a model. of circular economy.


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How to Cite
Andrade Guamán, J. F., Silva Gómez, D., Jácome Izurieta, O., & Yanzapanta Analuisa, N. (2024). PRELIMINARY ACTIONS FOR A CIRCULAR ENVIRONMENT IN THE BODYBUILDING SECTOR, PROVINCE OF TUNGURAHUA. Science Magazine Unemi, 17(44), 134-147.

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