
In order to know the distribution of the vector of the Chagas disease Triatoma dimidiata in the settlements of Arrastradero and El Limón, relevant information was collected on: characteristics of the population, types of housing, presence of hosts, knowledge of the disease, existence of patients with symptoms of the disease. The entomological exploration was carried out to identify the potential hosts of T. cruzi. The settlements were characterized by consisting in average of more than two members, with predominant cement houses, pre-existing bamboo cane structures. The knowledge about the disease was higher in the Arrastradero sector (3.56%), fewer vectors (8.59%) and houses with triatomines (4.28%). While the population of El Limón the results were 2.44; 11.23 and 4.41 % respectively. The vector found corresponded to Triatominos dimidiata in peridomestic and domestic sites, without natural infection with T. cruzi. It is concluded that the presence Triatoma dimidiata, does not rule out reinfestation with T. cruzi, so it is necessary to maintain a health plan to minimize the risks of a contamination with Chagas disease.


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Author Biographies

Fátima Arteaga-Chavéz, Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí
Doctora en Medicina Veterinarias y Zootecnia (1979; Mg.Sc. en Microbiología mención Parasitología. Coordinadora del Laboratorio de Microbiología Molecular (ESPAM MFL), Directora de la Carrea de Medicina Veterinaria (Actualidad); Profesora con nombramiento a tiempo completo. A participado en cuatro proyectos I+D+i; con 08 publicaciones en revistas arbitradas e indexadas.                
Ernesto Antonio Hurtado, Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí
Doctor en Ciencias Agrícolas (2004). Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela (Jubilado, 2015); Beca Prometeo (Senescyt, 2015); Profesor con nombramiento ESPAM- MFL (2017). Investigador Nivel IV (UDO-VENEZUELA). Investigador Agregado II (SENESCYT- ECUADOR). Actualmente profesor con nombramiento en la ESPAM, a tiempo Completo en la carrera de Medicina Veterinaria; especialista en el área de metodología de la Investigación y Diseño Experimental.


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How to Cite
Arteaga-Chavéz, F., & Hurtado, E. A. (2019). DISTRIBUTION OF THE VECTOR OF THE CHAGAS DISEASE TRIATOMA DIMIDIATA IN SETTLEMENTS IN THE CANTON BOLIVAR, ECUADOR. Science Magazine Unemi, 12(31), 74-82. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2528-7737vol12iss31.2019pp74-82p
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