Diagnosis of the presence of Badnavirus in banana plantations in the Province of El Oro

Keywords: Badnavirus, Diagnostic, DNA extraction, CTAB, PCR, primers


Banana Streak Virus (BSV), belonging to genus Badnavirus, causes great yield losses in banana. It is an infectious agent that spreads through the seeding of infected material and through mealybugs (Pseudococcidae). It is responsible for significant losses in profitability and a serious constraint in the genetic improvement of Musa sp. The absence of a highly sensitive and specific technique to identify the affected plants has enabled it to be disseminated in the plantations. Therefore, to achieve a correct identification of the plants affected by Badnavirus the following objective was proposed: Diagnose the presence of Badnavirus in the banana plantations of the province of El Oro. Total Nucleic Acid Extracts of banana were obtained with 2% CTAB with which a suitable template DNA was obtained for the analysis of the polymerase chain reaction. Using a pair of primers that flank a region of 221 bp that corresponds to the gene of the reverse transcriptase and RNase H of the ORF 3 of the badnaviruses. With the use of this methodology, it was possible to determine the existence of this virus in 89.36% of the plantations evaluated.


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Author Biography

Brian Mocha-Cuenca, Universidad Técnica de Machala
Brian Mocha Cuenca Ingeniero Agrónomo, MgSc Biotecnología. Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Genética Docente Universidad Técnica de Machala. Especialista en nutrición y manejo del sistema radicular de los cultivos.   Machala, Ecuador  


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How to Cite
Mocha-Cuenca, B. (2020). Diagnosis of the presence of Badnavirus in banana plantations in the Province of El Oro. Science Magazine Unemi, 13(32), 100-108. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2528-7737vol13iss32.2020pp100-108p
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