Volumen. 5, Nº 9, diciembre 2021 - mayo 2022, pp. 14-21
Ríos et al. Assessment of the addion of Rhynchophorus palmarum L. biomass.
Assessment of the addion of Rhynchophorus palmarum L. biomass in
bread formulaons
Evaluación de la inclusión de biomasa de Rhynchophorus palmarum L.
en formulaciones de pan
The goal of this research work was to propose formulaons of bread products including South American palm
weevil (Rhynchophorus palmarum) larvae harvested in the Ecuadorian Amazon region. Three bread formulaons
(treatments) were proposed to make bread pieces; replacement percentages with biomass of South American
palm weevil larvae of each treatment were 5% (T
), 10% (T
), and 15% (T
). A standard treatment, T
, with 0% re-
placement was also part of the experiment. Fat was characterized in bread pieces obtained. Contents of saturated,
mono, and polyunsaturated fay acids were measured by gas chromatography. Firmness was determined by tex-
turometry by a simple cycle compression. As the South American palm weevil larvae biomass addion percentage
increased in the proposed formulaons, mono-unsaturated fay acids amount also increased from 3.37% (T
to 3.51% (T
), in the same subject, the percentage of polyunsaturated acids were in the range from 1.28% (T
) to
1.55% (in T
). Firmness increased as the percentage of palm weevil larvae biomass were higher (5,348 gf in T
6,925 gf in T
). The inclusion of palm weevil larvae biomass in bread making contributed to increasing the levels of
mono and polyunsaturated fay acids, resulng in a product with funconal properes.
Palabras Clave: bakery products; Chontacuro; entomophagy; fat; micro-livestock.
El objevo del presente trabajo es proponer formulaciones de productos panicables con inclusión de biomasa
de larvas de chontacuro (gorgojo cigarrón, Rhynchophorus palmarum L.) obtenidas de la región amazónica ecua-
toriana. Se propusieron 3 formulaciones para la elaboración de piezas de pan. Los porcentajes de sustución con
biomasa de larvas de gorgojo cigarrón para cada tratamiento fueron 5 % (T
), 10 % (T
) y 15 % (T
). Como parte de
la experimentación, también se planteó la inclusión de un tratamiento de referencia, T0, con 0% de sustución.
Se caracterizó la grasa de las piezas de pan obtenidos. Se determinaron los contenidos de ácidos grasos saturados,
mono y poliinsaturados por cromatograa de gases. La rmeza fue determinada por texturometría con compren-
sión de ciclo simple. Las candades de ácidos monoinsaturados se incrementaron desde 3,37 % (T
) hasta 3,51
% (T
), que es directamente proporcional a la candad formulada por añadirse de biomasa de larvas de gorgojo
cigarrón. En este sendo, el porcentaje de ácidos poliinsaturados estuvo en un rango entre 1,28 % (T
) a 1,55 % (T
La rmeza se incrementó en función directamente proporcional del porcentaje de biomasa de larvas de gorgojo
cigarrón (5348 gf en T
y 6925 gf en T
). La inclusión de biomasa de larvas de gorgojo cigarrón en la fabricación de
pan contribuyó con el incrementó de candades presentes de ácidos grasos mono y poliinsaturados; esto resultó
en la obtención de productos con propiedades funcionales.
Keywords: productos de panicación; Chontacuro; entomofagia; grasa; micro-ganado.
Karen Ríos-Aguilar
; Ingrid Díaz-Cartuche
; Omar Marnez-Mora
Glenda Naranjo-Hidalgo
; Fabián Cuenca-Mayorga
(Recibido: junio 26, Aceptado: octubre 29, 2021)
Ingeniera en Alimentos. Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador. Email: karen30rios@gmail.com. hps://orcid.org/0000-0002-1735-2905
Ingeniera en Alimentos. Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador. Email: ingrydiaz21@gmail.com. hps://orcid.org/0000-0002-4372-0038
Doctor en Ciencias de los Alimentos. Docente de la Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador. Email: emarnez@utmachala.edu.ec. hps://orcid.
Magíster en Desarrollo Comunitario. Universidad Nacional de Loja. Email: glencasil@yahoo.com. Email: hps://orcid.org/0000-0001-8445-8788
Master of Science in Environmental Protecon and Food Producon. Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador. Email: fcuenca@utmachala.edu.ec.
Volumen. 5, Nº 9, diciembre 2021 - mayo 2022, pp. 14-21
Ríos et al. Assessment of the addion of Rhynchophorus palmarum L. biomass.
Consumption of insects as food is an
alternative source of nutrients for a number
of developing countries. Entomophagy,
i.e., the consumption of insects as food, is
practiced traditionally in some countries in
Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The intake
of insects complements the dietary needs of
about 2 billion people in the globe and has
been a perennial habit in the human-being
eating behavior. On average, insects feature
35-61% protein, 15-40% fat, and 3-10%
minerals (1), therefore, they embody an
interesting alternative to enrich other food
types or as a source to produce functional
food products (2, 3). Among some examples,
Mexican insects called chapulines had
become a highly appreciated delicatessen;
consumers had catalogued chapulines as a
food with nutritive and, even, aphrodisiac
notes; some even consider it as a gourmet
dish. Chontacuro, i.e., South American
palm weevil (Rhynchophorus palmarum L.),
larvae, consumed in Ecuador, are harvested
from some species of palm trees; larvae are
commonly eaten directly or after some degree
of thermal treatment. The development of
the husbandry (some specialists may refer
to this type of animal production as “micro-
livestock”) of South American palm weevil
may be a source of profits for small-scale
producers in the region (4, 5), allowing local
communities to widen market offers, thus
reducing poverty levels. There is then the
need to develop processing, harvesting, and
post-harvesting technologies that may yield
efficiently considering also microbiological
aspects (6). Insects may provide an alternative
food source for commonly consumed foods,
especially wheat-based products. Wheat-
based foods are highly consumed elsewhere;
pasta and bread are staple food to most
of the population everywhere. Bread has
a salient role in food intake trends in Latin
America due, but not limited to, its low cost,
availability, and as a rather cheap energy
source. The supply of bakery products is
diverse in order to satisfy the requirements
of consumers. Moreover, some bread
products include beneficial ingredients,
such as dietary fiber, minerals, and
vitamins. The use of functional ingredients
in bread formulations has effects over the
technological and nutritional properties (7,
8). Depending on its nature, the addition of
fat in bread formulations provide desirable
characteristics to the final product concerning
flavor, color, texture, and nutritional value.
The addition of functional components to
baking products provides health benefits
and may prevent the occurrence of diseases
(9). Nonetheless, the frequent consumption
of bread has been linked negatively to
a number of clinical conditions such as
increased blood pressure, cardiovascular
diseases development, heart failure, acute
myocardial infarction, and kidney failure, as
well as to non-cardiovascular effects, such as
the development of nephrolithiasis, gastric
cancer, obesity, asthma, and osteoporosis
(10, 11). Palm weevil larvae may have
potential as a food source of high nutritional
value concerning protein, fat, vitamins,
etc. and might be used as replacement
of common ingredients or as an additive.
Insects, as food source, fulfill two primary
characteristics of sustainability: nutritional
quality and abundance; these characteristics
might provide innovative approaches about
their use and application in a number of
productive systems, e.g., replacement of
commonly used food sources by low-cost
alternatives (12). The bakery industry has
already a wide range of products destined to
certain consumers demanding special dietary
requirements, such as “vitamin-enriched,
“mineral-fortified, “high-protein, “low-
sugar, “high-fiber, “light, gluten-free,
etc. (13). The consumption of functional
bread may be enhanced with the addition
of innovative ingredients resulting in the
development of healthy food products that
would satisfy the increasing demand for
them. South American palm weevil larvae
Volumen. 5, Nº 9, diciembre 2021 - mayo 2022, pp. 14-21
Ríos et al. Assessment of the addion of Rhynchophorus palmarum L. biomass.
feature, on average, 3.4 mm length after
egg hatching, a ventral-curve shape, and a
creamy white color (14). The larvae stage
lasts between 42 and 62 days (15). A size
of 5-6 cm is reached in further developing
stages; larvae feature darker yellowish
tonalities after pupating (16); on this stage,
larvae are optimal for its harvesting and
consumption. The skins of South American
palm weevil larvae feature a number of
fatty acids and oils, such as palmitic, stearic,
myristic, linoleic, linolenic, and palmitoleic.
Table 1 shows fatty acids featured in the skin
and in the digestive tract content of South
American palm weevil (17).
The objective of the present research work
was to propose formulations to manufacture
bread including biomass extracted from
South American palm weevil (Rhynchophorus
palmarum L.) larvae, i.e., Chontacuro, thus
contributing to diversifying the use of this
food source applied in highly demanded
products; a source of profits in rural areas
where the larvae is currently harvested can be
seen as means to an end should a sustainable
production process might be bolstered.
The present study was carried out at the
laboratory of Innovative Products of the
Faculty of Chemical and Health Sciences,
Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador. The
Tabla 1. Fatty acids composition in oils present in the
South American palm weevil larvae skin and digestive
tract content (DTC)
Tabla 2. Experimental treatments of blends consisting
in refined and whole-grain flour/larvae biomass
Fay acid Skin (%) DTC (%)
Myrisc 1.91 2.27
Palmic 41.78 43.65
Palmitoleic 0.75 1.01
Stearic 9.41 8.52
Oleic 43.10 41.57
Linoleic 2.00 1.93
Linolenic 1.05 1.05
our (%)
our (%)
biomass (%)
T0 40 60 0
T1 40 55 5
T2 30 60 10
T3 25 65 15
South American palm weevil (Rhynchophorus
palmarum L.) larvae were purchased from
local farmers in El Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuadorian
Amazon Region. As one of the main
components for the bread formulations to be
designed, 2 types of flour were used: refined
flour of wheat (Triticum vulgare) and whole-
grain flour of wheat (Triticum aestivum).
In addition, and according to Ecuadorian
standards, yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
for baking purposes, salt, oil, sugar, and
tap water were part of the formulation
(18). The experimental part of the present
work consisted of 3 treatments, T
, T
, and
. Treatments are showed in Table 2. Each
treatment consisted in a percentage of
replacement of flour with larvae biomass,
these being 5, 10, and 15%, respectively.
standard treatment was also used, 0%
of larvae biomass inclusion, as means of
Larvae biomass sourcing. The slaughtering
of the South American palm weevil larvae
consisted in a two-step process: letting them
stand in cold water at 5°C for 30 minutes and
a decapitation afterwards. Larvae were then
skinned; larvae guts were taken apart from
the carcass. The fleshy part and the skins
were cut into small pieces. These pieces
were then dried in a laboratory oven (INB
500, Memmert GmbH + Co. KG, Schwabach,
Germany) at 54°C for 72 hours. After this, the
dried pieces were ground and thus obtaining
the larvae biomass to be added as the
replacement component.
Volumen. 5, Nº 9, diciembre 2021 - mayo 2022, pp. 14-21
Ríos et al. Assessment of the addion of Rhynchophorus palmarum L. biomass.
Figure 1. Larvae slaughtering and dried biomass
Bread making. Bread pieces were
manufactured after the Ecuadorian Technical
Standard (19). The formulation for standard
whole-grain bread included 600 g water,
500 g flour, 70 g oil, 80 g sugar, 20 g yeast,
15 g salt, 100 g natural yeast dough, and
500 g whole-grain flour. The replacement
of flour with South American palm weevil
larvae biomass was performed according
to the proposed treatment. For example, a
10% replacement was performed with the
following formulation: 100 g larvae biomass,
400 g flour, 450 g whole-grain flour, 80 g
sugar, 15 g salt, 100 g natural yeast dough,
20 g yeast, 600 g tap water, 70 g oil. The
resulting dough was processed for 8 minutes
in a kneader (Whirlpool, Benton Harbor,
United States). The fermentation process in
the kneaded dough lasted 60 minutes. The
dough was cut into small pieces of about 50
g and were rounded manually. The rounded
pieces were put onto stainless steel trays.
After 15 minutes, trays were located in a
convection oven (Andino, Quito, Ecuador) at
180 º C for 25 minutes.
Profiling of lipids. Total fat in the obtained
functional bread was measured after the
technique acquainted in AOAC 920.39;
the lipidic profile was determined by gas
chromatography techniques based on the
AOAC 991.39 technique (20). Derivatization
reagents were used as extraction medium.
Two levels were set for the following
conditions: derivatization reagent, solvent
type, reaction time, and sample amount.
Volumes used in derivatization were 250 and
500 μL sodium methoxide (Sigma Aldrich,
Missouri, United States) 0.5 M, while for
the boron trifluoride method, 700 μL of the
reagent (Sigma Aldrich, Missouri, United
States) were used. Reaction times for sodium
methoxide and boron trifluoride were 45 and
15 minutes, respectively.
Firmness measurements. Trials for
firmness measurements were performed
with the Perten TVT 6700 texture analyzer
(PerkinElmer, Waltham, United States).
The profile used was 01-02.01 AIB “White
Bread Firmness. Bread pieces underwent
the simple cycle compression. Samples were
located on the base dish where the probe
was inserted to measure firmness.
Statistical analysis. The statistical analysis
was carried out by the statistical programming
language R (R Foundation, Vienna, Austria).
Results declared were the average of 3
repetitions ± standard deviation. The least
significant difference (LSD) Fisher test with a
significance level of 5 % (p < 0.05) was used
to determine whether differences among
experimental treatments were to be found.
Characterization of fat and measurements
of fat amounts occurred in functional bread
including South American palm weevil
biomass were determined after 48 hours
of storage at local room temperature (20
°C) and the environment relative humidity
(80%). Figure 2 describes the chromatogram
for the fatty acids present in functional bread
with 15% palm weevil biomass.
Volumen. 5, Nº 9, diciembre 2021 - mayo 2022, pp. 14-21
Ríos et al. Assessment of the addion of Rhynchophorus palmarum L. biomass.
Figure 2. Chromatogram for fatty acids present in functional bread with 15% palm weevil
Areas, considering height and width in the
baseline, were determined in the spikes
obtained for fatty acids in chromatograms.
Table 3 shows the areas measured for each
Total fat content
Percentage of fat increased significantly
Tabla 3. Fatty acids composition according to
chromatographic spikes
Spike Fay acid Area (%)
1 C14:0 0.52
2 C16:0 40.54
3 C16:1 0.12
4 C18:0 4.54
5 C18:1n9c 37.57
6 C18:2n6c 15.9
7 C18:3n6 0.25
8 C18:3n3 0.56
Total 100
(p 0.05) in the treatments studied as the
amount of South American palm weevil larvae
biomass added to the formulation increased,
following an expected pattern, as the studied
raw material featured a higher percentage of
fat content than the conventional ingredients
in bread loaves made with Inca peanut
(Plukenetia volubilis) (21). On the other
hand, lower fat content in functional bread
were reported against traditional bread with
compounded flours with lower fat content
than in wheat flour (22). Control treatment
T0 yielded 4.39% saturated fatty acids. Table
4 shows results concerning saturated, mono,
and polyunsaturated fats in the functional
bread obtained. Saturated fats decreased
significantly upon 4.16% in T3. Total
unsaturated fat content in functional bread
yielded values closer to those reported in
whole-grain bread; unsaturated fat values in
whole-grain bread should be around 3-3.5%
Average results n=3 ± standard deviation. Different superscripts in the same row show significant differences (p ≤ 0.05).
Total fat (%) 8.94a±(0.06) 8.95aa±(0.06) 9.15b±(0.04) 9.22b±(0.03)
Saturated fay acids (%) 4.39a±(0.008) 4.30b±(0.01) 4.25c±(0.01) 4.16d±(0.009)
Monounsaturated fay acids (%) 3.31a±(0.02) 3.37ab±(0.01) 3.42ab±(0.01) 3.51c±(0.04)
Polyunsaturated fay acids (%) 1.24a±(0.02) 1.28a±(0.01) 1.48a±(0.02) 1.55a±(0.02)
Trans fat (%) 0 0 0 0
Tabla 4. Content of fat and saturated, mono, and polyunsaturated fatty acids in functional bread including
South American palm weevil biomass
Volumen. 5, Nº 9, diciembre 2021 - mayo 2022, pp. 14-21
Ríos et al. Assessment of the addion of Rhynchophorus palmarum L. biomass.
According to the quantity of South American
palm weevil biomass added, the amount
of monounsaturated fatty acids increased
significantly; the amount of polyunsaturated
fatty acids also increased; however, no
significant differences were found.
Firmness analysis
The addition of palm weevil biomass,
between 5 and 15% of the formulation,
resulted in a firmness range between 5,348
and 6,925 gf. Fig. 4 shows firmness values
for the functional bread pieces obtained.
Values found in the present research work
were higher to those reported previously in
bread pieces made including insect biomass,
such as 10% replacement with mealworm
(Tenebrio molitor) and with darkling beetle
(Alphitobius diaperinus); texture values for
these types of bread were 1.216 and 1.037
gf, respectively (24). In addition, comparing
the reached firmness values with the ones
reported for bread made with tuber meals
(1,613.3 and 1,889.1 gf), this property is
higher for the bread obtained in the present
work (25). This difference may be attributed
to the higher protein content in palm weevil
biomass. Firmness was also higher to those
values reported for conventional whole-grain
bread (T
, 5,218 gf) (26).
As the replacement percentage with
biomass of palm weevil in whole-grain
bread increased, the level of mono and
polyunsaturated fatty acids also reached
a higher level of quantity, obtaining a solid
alternative in the supply of functional food
products. However, firmness values were
higher than those for traditional bread and
bakery products. The results of this research
work are intended to be one of the support
points to diversify the consumption options
of palm weevil larvae through its application
in high consumption food products, thus
enhancing the local production of food goods
and the establishment of food industries,
thus improving their economic horizons
by offering a functional food product that
contributes to the control of public health
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