Volumen 7, Nº 12, junio - noviembre 2023, pp. 73-78
Escobar Segovia. Clinical recovery me for Sars-Cov-2 Infecon.
Clinical recovery me for Sars-Cov-2 Infecon in healthcare
workers with full and booster vaccinaon
Tiempo de recuperación clínica de la infección por Sars-Cov-2 en
trabajadores del sector sanitario con vacunación completa y de refuerzo
The increase of infecons at the end of 2021 and January 2022 due to the Omicron variant in Ecuador, raises doubts
regarding the eecveness of booster vaccinaon, which quesons the protecon provided by booster vaccinaon
and how oen to apply it. A sample of 419 cases is taken and compared with the personnel that have complete
(58% with third dose) and incomplete (42%) immunizaon schedules as of December 2021 and January 2022, and
the me of symptomac recovery aer SARS infecon is determined aerwards. The results show no dierence
in the recovery me in paents within the two groups and similar symptoms were observed. It is concluded that,
given the results, there is no evidence of the need for a third dose in general, but rather, it would be reasonable to
focus the eorts of a second booster only in specic vulnerable populaons, thus avoiding unnecessary adverse
eects that are becoming more frequent, and even allowing the exisng vaccines available in countries where they
are really needed.
Keywords: booster; Covid-19; healthcare workers; SARS-CoV-2; vaccines.
El incremento de infecciones a nales de 2021 y enero de 2022 por la variante Ómicron en Ecuador, plantea dudas
sobre la ecacia de la vacunación de refuerzo, lo que cuesona la protección que proporciona la vacunación de
refuerzo y la frecuencia con la que debe aplicarse. Se toma una muestra de 419 casos y se compara con el personal
que ene calendarios de vacunación completo (58% con tercera dosis) e incompleto (42%) a diciembre de 2021 y
enero de 2022, y se determina posteriormente el empo de recuperación sintomáca tras la infección por SRAS.
Los resultados no muestran diferencias en el empo de recuperación de los pacientes de los dos grupos y se obser-
van síntomas similares. Se concluye que, a la vista de los resultados, no hay evidencia de la necesidad de una ter-
cera dosis en general, sino que sería razonable centrar los esfuerzos de un segundo refuerzo sólo en poblaciones
especícas vulnerables, evitando así efectos adversos innecesarios cada vez más frecuentes, e incluso permiendo
disponer de las vacunas existentes en países donde realmente se necesitan.
Palabras clave: refuerzo; Covid-19; personal sanitario; SARS-CoV-2; vacunas.
Ana María Espinoza-Centeno
; Darío Alcívar-Zambrano
; Kenny Escobar-Segovia
(Recibido: febrero 27, Aceptado: mayo 23, 2023)
1 Universidad Espíritu Santo, Samborondón, Ecuador. Email: amespinozac@uees.edu.ec. ORCID: hps://orcid.org/0000-0001-
2 Universidad Espíritu Santo, Samborondón, Ecuador. Email: dalcivarz@uees.edu.ec. ORCID: hps://orcid.org/0000-0002-5498-
3 Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Email: kescobar@espol.edu.ec. ORCID: hps://orcid.
Volumen 7, Nº 12, junio - noviembre 2023, pp. 73-78
Escobar Segovia. Clinical recovery me for Sars-Cov-2 Infecon.
Since its emergence in December 2019,
the Covid-19 has presented many clinical
manifestaons, where most paents
(85%) report only mild symptoms (1) and a
considerable amount of acute and chronic illness
(15%), pung enormous pressure on healthcare
systems worldwide (2) with early detecon
being crical. However, despite improvements
in screening tests and vaccine ecacy, genec
variants, potenal reinfecons, and lack of
evidence on long-term immune responses
to SARS-CoV-2 (3), threaten the progress of
both protecons from primary infecon (2),
and therefore, a public health system eort
is required to maintain biosecurity measures,
accelerate vaccinaon worldwide, and thus
prevent morbidity and mortality from Covid-19
Most licensed Covid-19 vaccines use a two-dose
(homologous) strategy (primary and booster),
except for the single-dose Ad26-Cov2.S
adenovirus vector vaccine (Janssen). Evidence
suggests (4) that the immune response following
the full (two-dose) schedule in persons infected
before vaccinaon (natural immunity) may be
like or even stronger than that of persons not
exposed to the full schedule (5), so the general
strategy of two doses and even a third booster
has been quesoned.
At the same me, people working in high-risk
sengs (e.g. health care workers) are eligible
for a booster vaccinaon (in countries such as
the USA, UK, Germany, and Italy), however,
the ecacy of the third dose has not been
demonstrated in studies of 16–39-year age
groups (6), but it has been in those aged 40-
69 years who presented reduced rates of
hospital admission, severe illness and death
(7), corroborang that the dierence is more
due to the characteriscs of specialized cases.
Likewise, in a study in 2020 of a hospital in
Guayaquil, a similar trend was observed for
both hospital health personnel and the non-
hospital populaon, concluding that the spread
of this disease is linked to the social behavior of
people in their socio-family environment and
the relaxaon of biosecurity measures (8) and
not to work acvity (high-risk personnel).
On the other hand, in relaon to SARS-
COV-2 variants, the rst case of Omicron was
conrmed on November 11, 2021, in Botswana,
South Africa and currently (2022) it is the
predominant variant worldwide due to its high
transmission capacity (9). In the case of Ecuador,
on December 27, the Ministry of Public Health
(MPH) conrmed that the Omicron variant
was already community-acquired; therefore,
the present study aims to determine whether
there is a dierence in the days of recovery from
Covid-19 infecon between workers who had a
booster dose (3 doses) and those who had only
a full dose (2 doses).
Descripve study, mixed observaonal
retrospecve, study populaon, health workers
of a hospital in Guayaquil-Ecuador (n=1247)
of which 419 tested posive in January 2022.
The "RT-PCR for Covid-19" and "An- SARS-
CoV-2 nasopharyngeal Covid-19 angen" tests
were used to determine the posive status of
the disease. In addion, the number of days of
symptomac evoluon of hospital personnel
is recorded to determine medical discharge
according to the absence of symptoms.
A database was created with the following
informaon: type of posion (administrave-
hospital); grouped posion (doctor, nurse,
technologists, etc.); age, sex, previous history
of covid-19 determined by "RT-PCR" test and
vaccinaon card of the last dose veried in the
MPH system (hps://cercados-vacunas.msp.
gob.ec/), type of vaccine and date of applicaon
of the last dose.
The data were analyzed in SPSS, obtaining
frequency and percentage of the dierent
variables, in addion to the relaonship
between a quantave variable (symptomac
count of Covid-19 days) and a qualitave variable
(complete vaccinaon and booster vaccinaon)
to determine whether there is a dierence in
symptomac recovery as a protecve factor for
the vaccinaon variables.
The Student's T-test for independent samples
was used, establishing as null hypothesis that
Volumen 7, Nº 12, junio - noviembre 2023, pp. 73-78
Escobar Segovia. Clinical recovery me for Sars-Cov-2 Infecon.
there is no dierence between recovery mes
with complete or booster vaccinaon, with a
condence level of 95%.
Between December 2021 and January 2022,
There was a higher number of infecons in the
populaon with no history of previous Covid-19
(20%), compared to those with a history of
previous Covid-19 (14%).
In the case of complete and booster vaccinaon
we obtained a slightly higher percentage in
that populaon that had the 1st booster (18%)
against Covid-19, compared to those who had
complete vaccinaon (15%). Table 1.
The results show that of the 419 cases of SARS-
CoV-2 aributable to the Omicron variant, 55%
of the posive cases had 3 doses of vaccine with
a me of applicaon of the third dose greater
than 15 days, 92% of them, only 8% with a me
of applicaon less than 15 days prior to the
posive result for SARS-CoV-2, and only 0.5%
of the infected personnel had only one dose of
vaccinaon (Figure 3).
A dierence in days of recovery can be observed
between the populaon with complete and
incomplete vaccinaon; however, when
Student's t-test was performed, no dierences
were found (p value => .05). This is due to the
there was an increase in the number of Covid-19
cases in healthcare workers with upper airway
symptoms without pulmonary involvement
aributable to the Omicron variant, with a total
of 419 people infected, represenng 34% of the
total study populaon (n=1247).
Figure 1. Presentation of Covid-19, 2022 cases in vaccinated health care personnel.
Figure 2. Difference in symptomatic recovery in workers
with complete and incomplete vaccination. Simple box
diagramo of the medical recovery days for vacccination
against Covid-19
Table 1. Covid-19 presentation in January 2022 in
healthcare personnel with a history of previous Covid
and booster vaccination.
%: Percentage
Covid-19 january 2022
Yes Not
Count % Count %
History of Covid-19 Yes 171 14 415 33
Not 248 20 413 33
Boost Vaccinaon Yes 229 18 499 40
Not 190 15 329 26
fact that 99.3% of the populaon under study
was fully vaccinated and only two cases with
incomplete vaccinaon presented Covid-19
in January, which is not a sucient sample to
determine the existence of dierences (Figure
Volumen 7, Nº 12, junio - noviembre 2023, pp. 73-78
Escobar Segovia. Clinical recovery me for Sars-Cov-2 Infecon.
Figure 3. Simple error bar, mean of days of medical
recovery with booster vaccination
The T-test for independent samples indicates
that the null hypothesis is accepted, i.e., there
is no dierence in the average number of
days of symptomac symptoms between the
Some studies have demonstrated persistence of
anbodies in healthcare personnel for more than
six months aer a primary infecon, a nding that
may conrm long-term protecon against SARS-
CoV-2infecon. (10) Thus, a history of previous
illness generates natural immune protecon,
in addion to the acquired protecon aorded
by a complete vaccinaon schedule. Where in a
fully vaccinated hospital populaon presenng
with Covid-19, the majority presented with mild
symptoms with uncomplicated recovery. (11) In
addion, having natural anbodies to Covid-19
is a very important factor.
In addion, having natural and acquired
anbodies did not generate a complete barrier
to a new SARS-Cov-2 infecon, and it was
proven in the study populaon that the spread
of this disease is linked to the social behavior of
people in their socio-familial environment and
relaxaon of biosecurity measures; Therefore,
it is possible that health personnel, despite
the occupaonal risk of Covid-19, can remain
Table 2. Test of independent samples
t test for equality of means
t gl Sig. Dierence of
recovery days Equal variances are assumed -0.242 547 0.809 -0.062
Variances are not assumed to be equal -0.240 512.348 0.811 -0.062
populaon with complete vaccinaon and the
booster vaccinaon. (t= -0.242; gl: 547; p>0.05)
Table 2.
undefeated from massive contagion, as long as
they comply with all biosecurity measures, are
provided with personal protecve equipment
and evaluated on the correct use of the same.
The present study has some limitaons, one
of them being the sequencing of the Covid-19
test to determine the type of variable that
predominated at the end of 2021 and January
2022 in the hospital populaon. However,
epidemiological studies in Ecuador show the
predominance of the omicron variant between
the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 (6).
Moreover, it is known that clinical symptoms
were mild to moderate, demonstrang that
even three doses of mRNA vaccines were not
sucient to prevent infecons and symptomac
disease with the Omicron variant. However,
protecon against severe disease is likely to
remain intact in persons who have received full
or booster doses (6).
Vaccinaon in the health care workers in this
study mostly presents two doses; only a low
Volumen 7, Nº 12, junio - noviembre 2023, pp. 73-78
Escobar Segovia. Clinical recovery me for Sars-Cov-2 Infecon.
number had incomplete vaccinaon and only
two of them were infected in January 2022, so
the dierence in symptomac recovery days
could not be demonstrated because of the
low number; however, these workers required
hospitalizaon for Covid-19 of moderate
characteriscs and pulmonary involvement.
Vaccinaon against Covid-19 has been available
for more than a year. It can be observed in
most of the underdeveloped countries a low
vaccinated populaon who represent a higher
risk before the appearance of new variants,
such as omicron which was idened for the
rst me in South Africa on November 9, 2021.
African countries have the lowest vaccinaon
rates compared to other countries (11).
The boosters have already sparked a debate on
issues of equity and the priorizaon of limited
vaccine resources. Sciensts are concerned that
rich countries will rush to provide more Omicron
boosters, which will exacerbate the global
vaccine imbalance that many health researchers
believe contributed to the emergence and rapid
spread of Omicron (6).
This study demonstrates that although a large
percentage of the hospital populaon with a
booster dose and a prior history of Covid-19 did
not provide a protecve barrier to re-infecon,
there was no dierence with respect to the
severity of symptoms, which is determined by
recovery me following SARS-Cov-2 infecon in
healthcare personnel who had a booster dose (3
doses). Furthermore, there was no dierence in
the severity of symptoms, which is determined
by the recovery me following SARS-Cov-2
infecon in healthcare personnel who had a
booster dose (3 doses) vs. full vaccinaon (2
This rearms even more that contagion is
linked to social behavior and relaxaon of
security measures, which unl now has been
the best protecon mechanism and should be
maintained unl the pandemic connues.
As well as establishing equitable vaccinaon
worldwide, because it is in those countries
that do not have immune coverage, where
new mutaons of the virus are being born.
Therefore, it would be reasonable for eorts
to be administered only to specic populaons
where the evidence shows that they are likely to
be needed.
On a global scale, this would avoid millions of
unnecessary adverse eects that are increasingly
common and, more importantly, make these
vaccines available to the countries where they
are most needed. A pandemic, aer all, requires
a global strategy.
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