Cognitive impairment in the elderly populatión of Cuenca, Ecuador

Keywords: older adults, cognitive impairment, MMSE, MoCA


Cognitive impairment is important in its analysis in adult life, because it is related to the quality of life of this population, therefore the objective of this research was to determine the cognitive impairment of the population of older adults in Cuenca, Ecuador. The methodology used was quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional, non-experimental design, non-probabilistic sample of 438 older adults in the city of Cuenca, aged 65 years and older, men and women. Data collection was done through the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), the data analysis showed that there were no significant differences for gender, but there were significant differences for age ranges and level of education, concluding that there is normality or slight impairment in the population studied, and there was no statistically significant difference between men and women.


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How to Cite
Cabrera Guerrero, J. A., Mazón Ávila, J. P., Patricio Loja, E., & Viñanzaca López, P. (2024). Cognitive impairment in the elderly populatión of Cuenca, Ecuador. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 8(14), 80-88.