Relationship of overweight and obesity with job performance. District Headquarters 12D01, Babahoyo.

  • María Esther Obando Peña
  • José Daniel Pérez Escariz Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas Camaguey


Obesity and overweight are considered chronic Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) that are characterized by an increase in body fat and weight gain, the result of an imbalance between food consumption and energy expenditure, maintained for a prolonged period of time. These constitute one of the main problems facing public health, associated with the risk of contracting diseases, quality and life expectancy, and physical, psychological and social disorders. Currently NCDs are the main cause of morbidity and mortality in the countries of America, significantly affecting people from different social strata, so no one is exempt. It is an extremely complex phenomenon, which implies the cultural and socioeconomic level of people, affecting their quality of life. The objective of this research is to characterize the relationship between overweight respectively obesity and the work performance of the workers of District Headquarters 12D01 Babahoyo 2019. As main result could be obtained the importance of having an optimal health condition to perform work with efficiency and productivity, because this constitutes the fundamental activity of the youth stage and of middle adulthood, the need to maintain adequate lifestyles, nutrition and eating habits, since many of the NCDs originate or get worse due to these conditions.


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How to Cite
Obando Peña, M. E., & Pérez Escariz, J. D. (2019). Relationship of overweight and obesity with job performance. District Headquarters 12D01, Babahoyo. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 3(5), 31-42.