Urinary Infections in geriatric patients by presence of Escherichia coli y Klebsiella spp producers of extended spectrum betalactamase

Keywords: betalactamase bacterias, Escherichia coli, urinary infection, geriatric patient


One of the health problems that most affects the population is urinary tract infection, with the elderly being the most vulnerable population because their immune system is weakened by aging. The purpose of this investigation was to establish the presence of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp producers of extended-spectrum beta-ctamases that cause urinary tract infections in geriatric patients in The Canton Machala, Ecuador. By collecting 200 urine samples, during the period January-March 2019, of fasting patients and in sterile containers determining positive uroculture in the microbiological analyses. The results show that bacillus E. coli is the primary agent for such infection with 71,5%, followed by Klebsiella spp with 28,5%. In addition, the most susceptible group to such contagion was the group of elderly woman due to factors in their anatomy and physiology impaired by age and the misuse of antibiotics or discontinuation of therapeutic treatment, generating bacterial resistance and resulting in this being aggravated and tending to use broad-spectrum antibiotics. Good genital hygiene practices are recommended in seniors and the correct use of antibiogram by the health personnel in order to minimize the presence of these bacterial pathogens.


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How to Cite
Azuero Negrón , S., Serafín Álvarez, D., Logroño Barrionuevo, J., & Romero Ramón, P. (2020). Urinary Infections in geriatric patients by presence of Escherichia coli y Klebsiella spp producers of extended spectrum betalactamase. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 4(6), 14-22. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2602-8360vol4iss6.2020pp14-22p