Ethanol concentration by gas chromatography in samples of vitreous humor of corpses

Keywords: ethyl alcohol, corpse, gas chromatography, quantification, vitreous humor


The investigation was carried out with a quantitative approach to determine the concentration of ethanol in samples of vitreous humor, from bodies of the Province of Chimborazo, Ecuador. The study sample was formed in 60 kinds of evidence submitted to the research development, which entered the Forensic Chemistry Laboratory for analysis, during the period from February to September 2016. The degree of concentration of ethyl alcohol was determined by means of the gas chromatography method, prior to the preparation of standard ethanol solution, internal comparison of 2- propanol and of each of the biological samples under study. Through a confirmatory quantification procedure, it was obtained that 53.33% is positive evidence and 46.67% negative out of the total population analyzed. Therefore, the existence of a considerable incidence of deaths related to this toxic was analyzed by the high-tech chromatographic method and through the use of this biological sample (vitreous humor), which presents advantages to the forensic analyst over the blood sample commonly used for the analysis of ethanol when establishing the initial and final blood concentration and without risk of contamination, rot or loss of volatile toxic.


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How to Cite
Moncayo Molina, W. E., Moncayo Redrobán, K. G., Villa Sánchez, F. E., & Arguello Arellano, E. E. (2020). Ethanol concentration by gas chromatography in samples of vitreous humor of corpses. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 4(6), 56-62.