Unhealthy alimentation-sedentarism-stress associated with BP and AMI: Case report

Keywords: nutrition, stress, high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, sedentary lifestyle


The complexity of applying knowledge on risk factors for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and high blood pressure (BP) motivated this research to identify characteristics of the prevention of these diseases from men with BP and AMI diagnoses. A case study was conducted through in-depth interviews to four male patients about their experiences in protecting their health. Interviewees had knowledge of the risks of a poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and stress in relation to BP and AMI but did not implement prevention measures until they suffered from an AMI. Personal or family pathological history and knowledge about BP and AMI seem necessary, but are insufficient, to improve nutrition, sedentary lifestyles, and attention to stress. Individual experience from events of life-threatening diseases can stimulate the development of these changes.


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Author Biographies

Jenny Caballero Barrios
Investigador Independiente
Yumy Estela, Universidad Península de Santa Elena


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How to Cite
Caballero Barrios , J., Caballero Torres, A., Yumy Estela, Betancourt Castellanos, L., García Labrada, P., & Milian Hernández, E. (2020). Unhealthy alimentation-sedentarism-stress associated with BP and AMI: Case report. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 4(7), 3-10. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2602-8360vol4iss7.2020pp3-10p