Incidence of bacterial vaginosis and associated, in patiens with abnormal vaginal secretions

Keywords: factor, vaginal infection, vaginal discharge, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, bacterial vaginosis


In order to establish the presence of Staphylococcus saprophyticus causing Bacterial Vaginosis it was necessary to determine its incidence and the factors associated with this infection. An experimental study of patients with positive diagnosis in Bacterial Vaginosis attended at the Solidarity Clinical Laboratory in Canton Machala was conducted. The study population was made up of 82 patients who had abnormal vaginal discharge. The method used for the diagnosis of BV was the Amsel test and the automated method with the Vitek 2 Compact equipment. The study was conducted in August to September 2019. The presence of optional anaerobic bacteria, such as Staphylococcus saprophyticus, was determined to be 100% prevails in the patients studied. The most susceptible group to such contagion is women between the ages of 12 and 59. Association of risk factors was found of 1 sexual partner in the year with 43.8%, not using condom in sexual intercourse with 63.8%, and increased vaginal discharge with bad odor causing burning when urinating with 97.5%. Good hygiene practices are recommended for the genitals in women and the use of the drugs of choice for this type of infection was found to be: vancomycin, levofloxacin and clindamycin, as the most effective drugs against this type of pathogens.


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How to Cite
Serafín Álvarez, D., Azuero Negrón, S., Logroño Barrionuevo, J., & Romero Ramón, P. (2020). Incidence of bacterial vaginosis and associated, in patiens with abnormal vaginal secretions. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 4(7), 61-66.