Ethics: a mechanism to face conflicts in health

Keywords: antinomies, management authorities, ethical conception, conflicts, ignorance, ethics, integrity, intervention


This work consists of documentary research in order to document viable methods for health professionals, for rapid and effective decision-making, in certain conflicts between their ethics with various circumstances that can occur in the practice of their profession, decisions on which patient integrity depends on. The method applied was based on the reading, study and exhaustive selection of bibliographies, in order to solve the problem cited, through a theoretical and practical bond; that would allow the elaboration of the state of art. The results show a constant emergence of conflicts between the ethical conception of different health professionals under various circumstances; such as total or partial unawareness of their respective deontological code, or antinomies between these and other sanitary laws or of any other kind, among others. Concluding that the health professionals’ theoretical and practical preparation is essential; the effective intervention by management authorities being necessary, who must offer an open communication, concern to know different aspects such as ideological, religious, etc.; of each of their appointees and perhaps the most important, is that they organize constant socializations, in which they can give solutions to frequent conflicts that may arise in the daily life, that help health professionals to make decisions without any kind of fear, with speed and assertiveness, taking care of the integrity of the patient.


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How to Cite
Espinoza Carrión, F., Lam Vivanco, A., Torres Espinoza, J. J., & Cuenca Mayorga, F. (2021). Ethics: a mechanism to face conflicts in health . FACSALUD-UNEMI, 5(8), 30-38.