Analysis of ionizing radiation on imaging technology personnel of the radiological unit

Keywords: ionizing radiation, prevention, radiation


This research seeks to identify, characterize and evaluate the hygiene risk associated with exposure to ionizing radiation in the Ecuadorian Radiological Unit. To assess the hygiene risk associated with ionizing radiation, data from personal dosimeters Polimaster PM1610 were used, which showed that in the last 12 months workers do not exceed the effective dose limit of 1.66 mSv, however after applying questionnaire 17 of environmental conditions through the NTP 330, the overall assessment of risks associated with exposure to ionizing radiation was performed, finding deficiencies that represent a high level of risk to exposure to these radiations, and require priority treatment. Finally, a series of measures are mentioned that will help to strengthen the occupational risk prevention policy in the radiological unit.


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How to Cite
Cedeño-Arteaga, J., Escariz-Borrego, L., Mederos-Mollineda, K., Haghgou-Cedeño, L., Chávez-Guerra, V., & Pérez-Escariz, J. D. (2022). Analysis of ionizing radiation on imaging technology personnel of the radiological unit. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 6(10), 33-44.