Epidemiology of Intestinal Parasite Infections in Nabón Canton, Ecuador

Keywords: epidemiology, parasites, intestinal parasitosis, helminths, protozoan infections


Intestinal parasitism is considered as a social medical issue in a community. World Health Organization relates it to the environment in which an individual inhabitates followed by a bad hygiene, consumption of raw food, lack of drinking water supply, fecal contamination, low education level, overcrowding and improper handling and excretion of residuals which commonly involves the government. The present research aimed to determine the epidemiology of intestinal parasitosis in the population of the Nabón canton, Ecuador. The universe consisted of 15,892 people. From a sample of 382 inhabitants, the following variables were evaluated: sex, age, residence, ethnicity, coproparasitic examinations, applying the Ritchie technique, to diagnose the presence of intestinal parasitosis and identify the type of Parasite. It was identified that there is a prevalence of Intestinal parasitism 56.03%, the predominant type of intestinal parasite was protozoa, no helminths were reported, Entamoeba hystolitica infection was the most frequent with 48.01%, of sociodemographical variables, female genre, adult age, half-blood ethnic and rural residence ruled. Is concluded that the infection by intestinal parasites is a problem that affects half of the population studied, presuming factors related to fecal contamination as the transmission mechanism.


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How to Cite
Vanegas, P., Prieto, C., Aspiazu, K., Peña, S., Flores, D., Jaramillo, M., Jachero, E., Jiménez, J., Urdiales, S., & Quezada, L. (2022). Epidemiology of Intestinal Parasite Infections in Nabón Canton, Ecuador. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 6(10), 51-57. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2602-8360vol6iss10.2022pp51-57p