Referential craniofacial growth percentiles for assessment in infants aged 6 to 12 years

Keywords: craniofacial, growth curves, infants, growth patterns


Child growth is a sensitive indicator of infant health. Its monitoring and evaluation are part of the routine tasks of health professionals because general and craniofacial growth in early childhood exhibits large changes in size, shape, function and strength. However, little is known about the study of craniofacial growth in children, so the present study aims to determine reference percentiles for the assessment of craniofacial growth in infants aged 6 to 12 years; for which a quantitative, correlational study was carried out, with a non-experimental and field design with a sample represented by 1750 children who were recorded three anthropometric measurements: lower facial height, depth of the maxilla and depth of the jaw through the use of a vernier caliper. The data was analyzed with the statistical package SSPS 25, a non-structural mathematical model was used that adjusted cross-sectional anthropometric data and obtained normalized percentile standards. It was found that the growth was continuous and homogeneous; in addition, no significant differences were observed between the values ​​obtained in boys and girls, being the anterior facial height the measurement that presented a growth with less variation between the age groups analyzed in the present study. Values ​​were summarized in curves that could be used as reference measures for craniofacial growth in infants aged 6 to 12 years.


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How to Cite
Moyano-Brito, G., Villalobos-Inciarte, N., & García-López, R. (2022). Referential craniofacial growth percentiles for assessment in infants aged 6 to 12 years. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 6(10), 69-75.