Proposal of a control letter for algae that affect the organoleptic characteristics in a catchment source

Keywords: algae, anabaena, cyanophyta, phytoplankton, organoleptics


The problems of water quality and the clogging of filters in the purification process are attributed to the growth of harmful microorganisms from a certain group of algae. In September 2010 in the city of Guayaquil, the increase in the biomass of algae belonging to the genera Pseudoanabaena, Cylindrospermopsis and Anabaena, caused a deterioration in the aesthetics of water for human consumption by perceiving an earthy smell and taste. The present work identified 6 most important groups of algae at the class level with 12 families, 20 genera and 88 species up to the year 2013 distributed in the catchment area in front of the “La Toma'' point pumping station and upstream in front of the boardwalk. of Nobol, point "Nobol". It was evidenced that there is a marked dominance of classes in relation to the season of the year in the study period and they are; the Cyanophyceae class that prevailed in the winter season, in two of the three years, this produces alteration in the organoleptic characteristics of the water and therefore an affectation to the aesthetics of drinking water. The Coscinodicophyceae class, that prevailed in the summer season with a wide dominance that has the particularity of causing clogging in the stages of water treatment.


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How to Cite
Guarnizo Crespo , D., & Guarnizo Crespo, S. (2022). Proposal of a control letter for algae that affect the organoleptic characteristics in a catchment source. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 6(11), 30-41.