Proximal analysis of five species from marine snails from Guayacán, Sucre state, Venezuela

Keywords: C. pomum, C. brevifrons, S. gigas, F. tulipa, F. caboblanquensi, proximal composition


Foods of marine origin represent one of the healthiest and most complete food groups that exist. Molluscs have long been recognized as a high-quality, nutritious food source and many species are considered culinary delights, especially snails. The proximal composition was determined in the marine molluscs C. pomum, C. brevifrons, S. gigas, F. tulipa and F. caboblanquensi, collected in Guayacán, Sucre state. Total lipid content fluctuated between 2.16% and 18.50% for the species F. tulipa and C. brevifrons, respectively, with most species presenting a high lipid content. Values ​​between 21.24mg/g and 26.61mg/g were obtained for total proteins, the lowest value being that of F. tulipa and the highest that of C. brevifrons. In the determination of the total carbohydrate content, the results ranged between 1.44% for C. pomum and 17.14% for F. tulipa. Regarding moisture, values ​​between 74.03% in C. pomum and 75.84% for F. tulipa were determined. The percentage of ashes varied between 2.01% in C. pomum and 2.24% in F. tulipa. The results obtained indicate that marine snails show a high protein and energy content, as well as confirm the potential use of these species as an important nutritional source for human consumption.


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How to Cite
D’Armas, H., Sanguinetti, D., & Moreno Morales, S. (2022). Proximal analysis of five species from marine snails from Guayacán, Sucre state, Venezuela. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 6(11), 53-65.