Sleep and anxiety disorders related to Covid19 confinement in Ecuador

Keywords: anxiety, sleep disorder, Covid-19, mindfulness, yoga


Insomnia is one of the disorders that affect the quality of sleep and is the difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep, as well as the presence of early awakening or non-restorative sleep. The objective of this research was to diagnose the population based on the sleep and anxiety disorders associated with the pandemic and alternatives were proposed to prevent and, in some cases, reduce the alterations. A cross-sectional, analytical, and exploratory study was carried out with snowball sampling in which a total of 235 people from the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo participated. To find out how anxiety levels behave, the Zung Anxiety Scale was applied and in relation to sleep disorders, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire was applied. The results indicated that the level of anxiety is related to the quality of sleep, demonstrating that 57% of the study population have moderate sleep and a mild level of anxiety, in addition, 64.2% of the studied population sleeps less. of 5 hours per day finding difficulties in the duration of sleep and considering them poor sleepers. To this end, it was proposed to implement a regular practice of yoga and mindfulness, as a service to the community in moments of crisis that occurred in times of pandemic.


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How to Cite
Mazón-Fierro, M., Lorenzo-Bertheau, E., Paz-Viteri, S., & López-Mendoza, X. (2023). Sleep and anxiety disorders related to Covid19 confinement in Ecuador. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 7(13), 13-20.