Impact of confinement on children and adolescents from the COVID-19 pandemic

Keywords: confinement in children, confinement in adolescents, psychological impact, COVID-19


The confinement from the COVID-19 epidemic meant the preventive, social and compulsory isolation of families and as a consequence, negative reactions arose in the human being: fear, uncertainty, sadness, frustration. Children and adolescents were not exempt from this reality, which is why numerous authors have reported that it is a problem to which much attention should be paid. This is a bibliographic review of scientific articles on the psychological impact of COVID-19 on children and adolescents that were published in the Scopus and Web of Science Databases from January 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020. 2021. 38 articles were analyzed, with Spain and Italy being the countries that published the most. Most of the articles highlight emotional and behavioral reactions in children and adolescents after confinement, such as: not doing homework, irritability, boredom, sadness, worry and anxiety. Other studies indicate protective factors during confinement such as: having a brother, being male, possessing social skills, having previously received intervention programs in stressful daily situations. The decrease in physical activity and the increase in the use of screens were related to anxious and depressive symptoms. Autism and conduct disorders were the most affected disorders during confinement.


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How to Cite
de Armas-Mesa, I., Torres-Moscoso, A. de los Ángeles, Neira-Cárdenas, O. S., Cobos-Cobos, M. F., & Colombé-Echenique, M. (2023). Impact of confinement on children and adolescents from the COVID-19 pandemic. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 7(13), 100-109.