Manifestation of symptoms and diseases in miners exposed to inorganic arsenic

Keywords: arsenic, dermatitis, crack, clinical manifestations


This research investigates the relationship between arsenic exposure and the health of miners. Demographic data and symptoms were gathered through a structured questionnaire. Arsenic levels in urine samples and biochemical parameters in blood samples were analyzed to identify correlations. The results highlighted the impact on the gastrointestinal system, with gastritis as the main symptom, followed by stomach burning. Cutaneous manifestations such as dermatitis and scalp cracks were also observed. Although no statistically significant difference was found between arsenic levels and clinical manifestations, clinical data suggest an association between arsenic exposure and reported health symptoms in the studied miners. The importance of monitoring arsenic levels in drinking water and implementing preventive measures to protect the health of exposed workers is emphasized. This study underscores the need for continuous monitoring and preventive strategies to mitigate the negative impacts of arsenic exposure in mining workplaces.


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How to Cite
Lam Vivanco, A. M., Espinoza Carrión, F. M., Santos Luna, J., Zambrano Cabrera, C. A., & Avilés Vera, T. (2024). Manifestation of symptoms and diseases in miners exposed to inorganic arsenic. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 8(14), 114-122.