High Blood Pressure and Menopause in Women. Case study in an Ecuadorian community

  • Patricia Calva Salvador
  • Nuri Lavayen Ferruzola
  • Katiuska Mederos Mollineda
  • Verónica Sandoval Tamayo
  • Delia Noriega Verdugo


High blood pressure in menopausal women is an issue not considered enough in protecting health. A cross-sectional study was carried out to identify hypertension and menopausal status in women from the citadel of Huancavilca, Milagro, Ecuador, showing a possible relationship of factors influencing arterial hypertension in menopausal women. Data from 91 women aged between 40 to 59 years were analyzed, 62 of whom had menopause and 52 were hypertensive. A high proportion of arterial hypertension was observed in menopausal women. Of the 11 risk factors analyzed, six presented high frequencies and four affected more than a quarter of the women studied. It was concluded that hypertension is a major health problem in menopausal women. The sedentary lifestyle, chronic non communicable diseases, socio-economic problems, stress, overweight/obesity and insufficient control of blood pressure behave as risk factors. The results obtained from this study will contribute to the prevention and control of blood pressure in the studied population.


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How to Cite
Calva Salvador, P., Lavayen Ferruzola, N., Mederos Mollineda, K., Sandoval Tamayo, V., & Noriega Verdugo, D. (2017). High Blood Pressure and Menopause in Women. Case study in an Ecuadorian community. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 1(1), 24-28. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2602-8360vol1iss1.2017pp24-28p