Healthy nutritionas an influential factor in the academic performance of students from educational institutions in Ecuador.

  • Romina Bajaña Nuñez
  • María Quimis Zambrano
  • Miguel Sevilla Alarcón
  • Lissett Vicuña Monar
  • Juan Calderón Cisneros


There are factors that affect school performance and these can be external and internal. The distraction at the time of performing school activities such as studying in noisy places, radio, television encourage the loss of concentration, these are usually the most frequent external. Internal causes associated with personal, physical and psychological relationships more difficult to eradicate. Family problems followed by poor diet and nutrition are likely to have consequences such as: low academic performance, decreased attention, difficulties in communicating with others, school distraction, analytical reasoning, adapting to new environments and people. In addition, a good diet is a line of defense against many childhood diseases that can end up causing sequels in people and mark their physical and intellectual development in adulthood. It is important to emphasize that school feeding plays an important, essential and fundamental role for their intellectual, physical and social development. The objective of this research is to know the importance of adequate, balanced and integral diet in the students of educational institutions in Ecuador through bibliographic reviews, as this would improve their physical conditions, as well as their analytical reasoning, communication with the others, and especially better academic performance. 


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How to Cite
Bajaña Nuñez, R., Quimis Zambrano, M., Sevilla Alarcón, M., Vicuña Monar, L., & Calderón Cisneros, J. (2017). Healthy nutritionas an influential factor in the academic performance of students from educational institutions in Ecuador. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 1(1), 34-39.