Study and prevention of voice pathologies in teachers of the Ecuadorian state school.

  • Maria Elena Carreño
  • Melissa Cañarte
  • Melissa Cañarte
  • Tricia Zambrano
  • Tricia Zambrano


The pathologies of the voice can be defined as the damage that is caused directly to the larynx, which is an organ that shares several functions, one of which is phonation; therefore, there will always be an impact on the characteristics of the voice when a difficulty occurs in phonation; the causes can vary from an organic pathology or a periodic deterioration of it. These pathologies of the voice are visible in both adults and children, their symptoms may vary if there is another apparent cause which influences positively or negatively in the evolution of this. Teachers, who use their voice as a work tool, can be affected in several aspects such as the labor, emotional and social aspects. This can occur since they do not have knowledge about prevention measures that must be put into practice before, during and after of a long workday. The main objective of this research project was to prevent voice pathologies in teachers of the Ecuadorian state school through a prevention proposal. An evaluation was conducted to identify which were the most common voice pathologies in the teachers of the school.  Subsequently, the proposal for preventive measures in the teaching voice was developed, trained and delivered to each of them. This study allowed us to conclude that teachers were unaware of the existence of vocal pathologies, how they could affect their health and the execution of their work activities. Also, they did not have diagnoses or the right information for the care and use of voice.


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How to Cite
Carreño, M. E., Cañarte, M., Cañarte, M., Zambrano, T., & Zambrano, T. (2019). Study and prevention of voice pathologies in teachers of the Ecuadorian state school. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 2(3), 42-50.