DIS Discrepancy in the Classroom Environment Scale (CES) between EFL teachers and students in higher education

Keywords: CES, university classroom climate, concordance, discrepancy


Abstract: The study of the classroom climate perceived by students and teachers at the primary and secondary level is abundant; however, the tools tested in this environment are rarely tested in the university environment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Classroom Environment Scale (CES) in the university environment, as well as to evaluate the concordance between teachers and students. The version of the instrument responds to the reduced scale proposed by Prado Delgado et al. (2016). For this, this scale was applied to a number of 94 students and 5 teachers from a private university in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. An exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) and a confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) were applied, as well as the reliability of the tool and the concordance in the evaluation made by students and teachers. The results show that, with the exception of the dimensions of affiliation and involvement, an adequate adjustment is not met to declare validity and reliability of the construct in the university population. On the other hand, instead of proving concordance, it is verified that there is a discrepancy in the evaluation made by students and teachers. Alternatives are proposed that could improve a process of adaptation of the CES to the university environment. Keywords: CES, university classroom climate, concordance, discrepancy


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How to Cite
Albán Neira, M. L., & Argudo Garzón, A. (2023). DIS Discrepancy in the Classroom Environment Scale (CES) between EFL teachers and students in higher education. Science Magazine Unemi, 16(41), 57-68. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2528-7737vol16iss41.2023pp57-68p
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