Health and safety action plan in tourist accommodation centers in the post COVID-19 era
Action plan, safety, hygiene, hotel, COVID-19, post-pandemicAbstract
Tourist accommodation establishments today more than ever must offer practical guidelines for vigilance and protection during the stay due to the inevitable interaction between employees and guests in this new normality. The purpose of the study was to propose an Action Plan focused on safety and hygiene in tourist accommodation centers in post COVID-19 times. The study was configured within the quantitative approach, of a descriptive projective type, with an intentional sample of 53 people working in the lodging. The instrument implemented was PRESEHI-21 created by the researcher, with a likert scale of 25 items, validated by expert judgment and high reliability. The results showed a low and moderate safety and hygiene to prevent the risks of contagion of the COVID-19 virus. Demonstrating the need for a guide or plan to facilitate compliance with safety and hygiene standards in the lodging center. Concluding that the action plan focused on safety and hygiene in tourist accommodation centers is a tool whose actions allow to improve and control the processes in terms of safeguarding and caring for the health of those who are working and enjoying the facilities.
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