
  • Rommel Martínez Universidad Magno Americana




extraordinary prescription of dominion, prescriptible goods, legal certainty, lord and owner´s will



This research develops the legal field, on the extraordinary prescription of ownership in Ecuador, challenges arise due to the influence of jurisprudence in the interpretation and application. Jurisprudence, as a formal source of law, is crucial to determine how a norm is interpreted and applied, but sometimes it can go beyond a literal interpretation and generate uncertainty or varied interpretations on extraordinary prescription. It is essential to balance the evolution of case law with consistency and predictability in the application of the law, seeking clear and consistent standards based on sound principles. The effectiveness and fairness of the extraordinary statute of limitations depend on how it is interpreted and applied, requiring careful analysis and continuous reflection to ensure a fair and predictable legal system. The objective of the research is to determine, by means of binding jurisprudence at all levels, which are the indispensable requirements for the extraordinary prescription of ownership to be configured, in order to identify the interpretation that the administrators of justice make regarding the application of the regulations and jurisprudence. The methodology used in this study is framed in a theoretical-descriptive research of documentary type. It was concluded that the jurisprudence develops applicable standards such as identification of prescriptive assets, determination and singularization of the assets, the time in which the legal figure is perfected and the possession seen from the jurisprudential development.

Key words: extraordinary prescription of dominion, prescriptible goods, legal certainty, lord and owner's will.


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How to Cite

JURISPRUDENTIAL STANDARDS OF THE EXTRAORDINARY PRESCRIPTION OF OWNERSHIP IN THE ECUADORIAN REALITY. (2023). CIENCIA UNEMI, 16(43), 140-150. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2528-7737vol16iss43.2023pp140-150p