Environmental sustainability in the manufacturing industry in Ecuador. A study from energy sources
Energy, Sustaintability, Manufacturing, Spending, InvestmentAbstract
The industrial sector plays a key role in Ecuador's economic growth, as it generates a large amount of resources that contribute positively to GDP. However, inefficient energy consumption by manufacturing industries represents a threat to the environment, as it contributes to the increase of greenhouse gases. To address this issue, research was carried out to analyze environmental sustainability strategies to improve energy efficiency in the Ecuadorian manufacturing industry, focusing on expenditures and investments. For the analysis, the database of the Environmental Module of the 2020 Business Survey (ENESEM) was used and with this, several methodologies were employed for the study such as a descriptive study, to identify the behavior of energy efficiency strategies; a Spearman correlational study, to determine the relationship between variables and finally, an explanatory analysis with Multiple Linear Regression, to establish the incidence of strategies in the expenditure and investment of the manufacturing industry. The conclusion is that Ecuadorian manufacturing companies do not allocate significant resources to implement energy efficiency strategies, but rather to thermal and public grid energies.
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