Análisis de Cobertura y Uso del Suelo en la Parroquia de San Antonio de Pichincha
land use, vegetation cover, NDVIAbstract
The parish of San Antonio de Pichincha, located north of the city of Quito, Ecuador, has experienced significant changes in its land cover and land use in recent decades. These changes, driven mainly by urban growth and infrastructure expansion, have had a significant impact on the landscape and environment of the area.
In San Antonio de Pichincha, there are two main factors that cause soil erosion: water erosion and erosion caused by mining activity or deforestation. Mining activity and deforestation can lead to landslides and the dispersion of stony material into the air, which is an additional threat (GAD SAP, 2020). In this article, the main changes in land cover and land use in the parish of San Antonio de Pichincha are analyzed, with a focus on the period between 2000- 2010 and 2010 - 2021.
Key words: land use, vegetation cover, NDVI.
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