Professional development in Pedagogy of Arts and Humanities teachers, National University of Chimborazo.




Desarrollo profesional, Competencias investigativas, Educación superior, Formación docente.


The need for highly professionally developed teachers is crucial for research aimed at enhancing educational training. This development extends beyond knowledge transmission, encompassing social skills, research, and practical proposals. The research focuses on teachers' criteria regarding their development, highlighting the significance of investigative competencies in higher education. These competencies enhance academic quality through technologies such as artificial intelligence and Big Data, thereby transforming educational research. The methodology involves literature review, fieldwork, and result analysis, aiming to examine their impact on teacher training, fostering critical thinking and academic quality. Therefore, it is imperative to explore how these competencies influence teachers' perceptions of training, driving attitude changes, and enhancing educational quality.


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Author Biographies

  • Robert Danilo Orozco Poma, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo

    Bachelor of Education Sciences with a specialization in Fine Arts; Master of Research in Visual Anthropology from FLACSO Ecuador headquarters; International Postgraduate Course in Community-Based Cultural Policies from FLACSO Argentina headquarters; Professional Photographer; Cultural Manager and Promoter; Creative Director and Designer in various publishing and photographic institutions; Three-time winner of the Artistic, Cultural, and Research Contestable Funds from the Ministry of Culture and Heritage; Consultant for UNHCR, Ministries, NGOs, Municipalities, Provincial Councils, Universities, and cultural institutions; 7 years leading the management of "Martes de Buen Cine" at the House of Culture of Chimborazo; Anthropological Researcher with emphasis on ancestral knowledge, women's associations, indigenous communities, traditions, cultural expressions, and migrants.

  • Paulo David Herrera Latorre, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo

    Automotive Engineer graduated from the Army Polytechnic School, Faculty of Automotive Engineering, with postgraduate studies including a Master's degree in Higher Education and a Doctorate in Education from the National University of San Marcos, Lima-Peru. With over 10 years of experience in the automotive field, serving as service advisor, parts advisor, workshop manager, demonstrating proficient administration of automotive maintenance workshops, as well as bodywork and automotive painting workshops, in addition to Leadership courses. Currently, a professor at the National University of Chimborazo, serving as project director for the Pedagogy of Arts and Humanities Curriculum Adjustment Project, and Director of the Pedagogy of Arts and Humanities Program.

  • William Paúl Núñez Sánchez, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo

    Master William Núñez studied at the National University of Chimborazo, obtaining degrees as a Professor of Technical Education: Aesthetic Culture, and a Master's in Pedagogy: Intercultural Teaching. Over 14 years of experience, he has engaged in various activities as a teacher at higher and secondary education levels and has participated in several artistic contests, including the VII International University Drawing and Painting Contest and the V University Drawing and Painting Contest. He has attended various courses and workshops at this institution, received a Certificate of Recognition for Completing Conversational English School, and holds a Professional Driver's License. He has received recognition for his outstanding participation in the international painting contest "Icons of My City" organized by the Equinoccial Technological University in 2012. He was also declared the best graduate of the Aesthetic Culture career in the 2011-2012 promotion. Currently, he is pursuing a Ph.D. in Management at Yacambu University in Venezuela and is a lecturer in the Pedagogy of Arts and Humanities program at the National University of Chimborazo.

  • Byron Leonardo Obregón Vite, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo

    Bachelor of Education Sciences, Applied Arts, and a Master's in Teaching with a specialization in Psychopedagogical Intervention from the National University of Chimborazo. Former teacher at the "Carlos Cisneros" Technical Institute and Pedro Vicente Maldonado College. Taught at the National University of Chimborazo from December 2009 to August 2016 and was a former instructor in the Aesthetic Culture program at UNACH from 2019-1S, teaching courses such as Geometric Drawing, Metal Art, Painting II, Serigraphy, and Airbrushing. Currently teaching Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Serigraphy, Airbrushing, Metal Art, Sculpture, Wood Art, Art History, and Andean Popular Art Teaching-Learning. Tutor, director, and creator of sculpto-murals including "Loyalty and Wisdom" for the Education Sciences building, "Little Hands," "Pedagogy of the Arts," and "Characters of the Riobamba Children's Parade," among others.


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Artículos Científicos

How to Cite

Professional development in Pedagogy of Arts and Humanities teachers, National University of Chimborazo. (2024). CIENCIA UNEMI, 17(45), 71-82.