Historical-economic analysis of three paradigmatic cases of industrial development and its contrast with the causes of economic underdevelopment in Hispanic-America
Industrialization, free trade, Structuralism, American System of Political Economy, Economic Development, Latin America, economic underdevelopmentAbstract
This document consists of a historical-economic investigation formed by an analysis of the principles of Political Economics applied in three case studies of successful national industrialization processes, a critical analysis of Hispanic-American economic history that presents a radiography of the structural historical causes of its underdevelopment, and an elucidation, from the Theoretical Framework of Hispanic-American Structuralism, Systems Theory and Complexity Theory, of the fundamental economic dynamics of industrialization and development. For this purpose, a mixed methodology was used, composed of case studies and historical documentary analysis, as well as the review of recent statistical research that confronts the central theses of the Structuralist School. The results conclude, in the first instance, that there are patterns of Political Economic principles whose application is repeated in the case studies of the national processes of successful industrialization reviewed and, in a second instance, that the Political Economy principles applied by The hispanic-american republics, starting from their political “independence”, were the exact inverse of those developmentalist policies, and the fundamental causes of the process of underdevelopment, persistent today.
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