Impact of industrial production on wastewater generation by manufacturing companies in Ecuador
Manufacturing production, wastewater, gross value added, sustainability, environment.Abstract
Introduction: Industrial activities, despite playing a crucial role in a country's economy, have contributed to environmental deterioration, among those that generate the greatest impacts is the generation of wastewater that is discharged into the environment without receiving any type of treatment. Objective: To analyze the impact of manufacturing production and wastewater generation in Ecuador. Materials and methods: The study is quantitative with three levels of research: descriptive, correlational and explanatory, with cross-sectional data obtained from the economic-environmental information module (ENESEM) year 2020, of the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) of Ecuador. The study variables were analyzed through descriptive statistics: the amount of wastewater generated and treated and the production of the manufacturing sector measured by Gross Value Added (GVA). Spearman's Rho was then applied, and finally a linear regression model. Results: Among the first results, it is evident that there is greater generation of wastewater by large companies, especially in the provinces of Guayas and Pichincha; in addition, wastewater has a significant average correlation with manufacturing production. Finally, it was calculated that for every dollar of production, an increase of 0.551 m3/year of wastewater was generated. Conclusions: Small, medium, and large companies have the responsibility to adopt environmental sustainability strategies to meet sustainable development goals.
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