Factors affecting the strategic planning in local organizations for designing a structural model

Keywords: Strategic planning, Local organizations, Knowledge factors, Behavioral factors, Communicative factors


This study aims to identify the problems affecting strategic planning in local organizations which can help the development of the society. By conducting interviews and studying the available sources, 33 factors were identified and presented, and they were subdivided into four major groups of behavior, communication, knowledge and institutions. The classification was designed on the basis on the application of Interpretive Structural Model (ISM) and a qualitative-quantitative method. The Smart PLS software was used as the best structural equation modelling tool to design the study model. The final model was also tested using the technique of the least partial squares. The six factors of political behavior, negotiation experience, communication technologies, relations with extra-organizational agents, regulatory effectiveness and organization were found to be fundamental. The validity of the model included community validity indices and augmentation validity. The model's adequacy indices were also positive and greater than zero, indicating that the model devised has acceptable quality and validity. In addition, the GOF index obtained from the calculations was found to be 0.611, which shows the high quality of the model. The study's assumptions about the effects of the four groups of factors on strategic planning were also attested to with 0.95 possibilities. Finally, based on results gained out of the study, certain strategies were suggested for the local organizations.


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How to Cite
Souki, B., Najaf Beigi, R., & Daneshfard, K. (2020). Factors affecting the strategic planning in local organizations for designing a structural model. Science Magazine Unemi, 13(34), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2528-7737vol13iss34.2020pp1-15p
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