Pandemia Pandemic COVID-19: Political - economic situation and health consequences in Latin America


Keywords: Institutions, Economy, Politics, Health System, COVID-19


The objective of the work was to analyze in which ways Latin America faces the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic differently compared to the rest of the world and what health consequences it causes to the region. After the appearance in Asia of COVID-19, Europe and the United States are currently experiencing an accelerated expansion of the virus and everything indicates that the next region to face it, apart of Africa, could be Latin America. The pandemic strikes a region with little advantage in dealing with the virus. On the one hand, in a hasty attempt to stop the spread, it has taken radical measures long before the North Americans and Europeans. This study shows that Latin America has less economic growth, so it would face the pandemic with inferior tools, mainly with limited health infrastructure and economic stagnation, as well as fragile governments and little financial maneuver to increase public spending. Furthermore have the countries of southern America, unlike the Caribbean and Central America, a winter period and are about to enter a it, which in theory favors the spread of the virus.


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Author Biographies

Luis Peñafiel-Chang, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
Doctor en Economía en la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.
Gisella Camelli, Redmas Arg – Grupo Cisnero
Master en Administración de Proyectos por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.


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How to Cite
Peñafiel-Chang, L., Camelli, G., & Peñafiel-Chang, P. (2020). Pandemia Pandemic COVID-19: Political - economic situation and health consequences in Latin America. Science Magazine Unemi, 13(33), 120-128.
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