Study readiness strategies and academic self-efficacy in undergraduate students

Keywords: Academic self-efficacy, Self-regulated learning, Study readiness stegies, University students


The present study focuses on determining the correlation between study readiness strategies and academic self-efficacy in university students. It is a quantitative study, with a non-experimental, exploratory, descriptive and correlational design. The sample consisted of 224 Ecuadorian students of Clinical Psychology, obtained through a non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The instruments used were the Study Disposition Strategies Scale (EEDE) and the Academic Situations Specific Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale (EAPESA). The results determined that there is a slight positive correlation with a small effect size. In conclusion, the greater the use of study readiness strategies, the higher the academic self-efficacy score. Therefore, these two variables are closely related to self-regulated learning, a construct that should be considered as a capacity that students should develop in order to learn in an effective and meaningful way.


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How to Cite
Núñez Núñez, A. M., & García Laredo, E. (2024). Study readiness strategies and academic self-efficacy in undergraduate students. Science Magazine Unemi, 17(44), 33-43.
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