Modifiable factors affecting patients with type II diabetes mellitus treated at a Babahoyo Health Center
diabetes mellitus type II, risk factors, eating habits, BMIAbstract
Type II diabetes mellitus is a health problem with significant daily increases in morbidity and mortality, considering it the great global public health crisis. This paper studies the modifiable factors that affect patients with type II diabetes mellitus who visit the Enrique Ponce Luque Health Center, Babahoyo, Ecuador. This research was conducted through a quantitative design, documentary-bibliographic, transversal of a non-experimental descriptive type, with patients who attended the health center during January-June 2019, using the clinical histories of patients and an observational guide for the collection of information. In the selected modifiable risk factors it was found that 78,3% of the patients lead a sedentary life with a caloric intake greater than the expense, and the majority do not perform any physical exercise. The Body Mass Index (BMI) showed that 69,6% were obese with a BMI greater than 30 kg/m2, with uncontrolled alcohol consumption and tobacco addiction. In terms of eating habits, 64.4% have an incorrect diet, and fasting glycemia control found that more than half had hyperglycemia. It is concluded that the risk factors continue to affect the morbidity of the diabetic patient, therefore this research boosted the making of a proposal with the implementation of a motivational workshop to improve the quality of life of patients, family and community.
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