Kinetics of degradation of the tomato functional juice (Lycopersicum esculentum, Mill.) and curcuma (Curcuma longa L.)
functional food, storage, degradation kineticsAbstract
In the elaboration of functional beverages with antioxidant properties, their quality can be affected during storage, therefore degradation kinetic studies are carried out when developing new products. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the kinetics of degradation and the conservation time of the functional juice of tomato with turmeric. A drink of tomato and turmeric was elaborated, storing it at three temperatures, in glass and tin containers. Physicochemical, sensorial and microbiological analyses were carried out, determining the activation energy and the life time. The evolution of the sensorial attributes corresponds to a kinetic of first order, with Ea of 95.56kj/kmol for the juice packed in glass and 71.83kj/kmol for the canning, this one was more influenced by the temperature, impacting on its deterioration, whose phenolic content and antioxidant capacity were lower than in the bottled product, who is less affected by the increase in temperature, ensuring the bioavailability of antioxidants, positive aspect as a functional beverage. Both containers maintain satisfactory microbiological quality. The canned juice shelf’s lifetime is less than the bottling one. These contributions are innovative and contribute to achieve a competitive product, whose functional characteristics are preserved for a longer time.
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