Diagnosis and treatment of embryonic mola and the psychological impact on maternal-fetal bonding





molar pregnancy, gestational trophoblastic disease, hydatiform mole


A 38-year-old patient with a history of hysterical neurosis is presented, with a gestation time of 18.5 weeks. When doing ultrasound before programmed amniocentesis by maternal age at risk, 18-week embryo with vitality is observed, and the presence of ecolucidal images in "bee panel" in the placenta, suggestive of Embryonic Hydratiform Mola, the Beta hCG fraction in 738. 8 mUI/ml. Block hysterectomy is performed and after some respiratory complications it evolves favorably. The anatomopathological report confirms the presumptive diagnosis. Hysterectomy prevents the progression of local disease, does not eliminate metastatic systemic disease. Careful monitoring of HCG levels should then be performed to confirm that a persistent disease and ultrasound follow-up have not been developed for early detection of possible late complications.


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How to Cite

Diagnosis and treatment of embryonic mola and the psychological impact on maternal-fetal bonding. (2020). FACSALUD-UNEMI, 4(7), 55-60. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2602-8360vol4iss7.2020pp55-60p